I have 13 straight razors on my watch list on the bay. There are two especially that I see that are as Ferris Buller said "So Cherry . . .!"; beefy looking (8/8's . . .drool!), from a manufacturer that I have always admired and wanted that would normally be close to $200 I think.

Unfortunately there is a thing called a budget . . . . . , family, kids, etc., etc.,

I have returned to SR shaving after a 15 year absence and purchased a DOVO kit from Vintage; Black Best Quality that I upped to a 6/8, also upgraded to a 3" red strop . . . etc. As a back-up for travel and until my face gets used to the SR I also purchased a Parker DE w/ a bunch of Merker blades.

The only real thing left to do is to work on my uber-lather (thank you Jockeys!).

Here is where I need some guidance;
1. Will there always be "razors I want", on the bay?
2. Am I okay with what I have now as a start for several months (provided I don't accidentally destroy the blade)? I have read members speak of, "several in their rotation."

This could easily become a compulsion for me; as in always wanting the next razor.

Any advise from a member sharing the similar experience whould be greatly appreciated. . . .

The Alpsman