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  1. #11
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    Well lets see. None are special or unique just some 4/8 and 5/8 picked up from antique shops little to no usage. Thought I'd fixem up but never got that far into it.I decided that I want a 8/8 and will no longer use a smaller one once i get one.Once again I have no pics but I will tell you what I have.

    1.william tell by M.I. germany for F.H.evans in york nebraska nedds a polish proper hinge pinning and a hone.Honed only once.4/8

    2.Haarweg by geschutztall original needs mild restoring minor hone wear.4/8

    3.Genco deroma less than average hone wear all original needs mild reastoring.4/8

    4.lion brand by yankee cutlery. this would be a workhorse cause sucessfully peened a set of plastic scales on it crooked but at least i didnt break them like the 3 times before.etching is perfect but hone wear is moderate and uneven.Still provides smooth shaves despite all this.6/8

    5.Maher and grosh all original average hone wear notched with a mild smile super shaver needs mild restore.6/8

    6.feather L nape shaver new but no box.

    7.eversharp shick injector near new condition white handle plain head.

    8.Gem with mild scuffing

    9.pair of unmarked straights never honed need mild reconditioning.5/8

    10.excellent S3 gillette tto flare appears plastic handle

    11.good L1 gillette tto flare mild blemish on gate ends

    12.Fair B1 SSredtip end caps missing and paint loss only bottom edges.

    13. good C4 ss bluetip paint loss on ottom corner.

    14 boxes as follows;Wade and butcher's celebrated,excellent.H.Boker unrivaled,good condition.Lion Brand solid but stained,Genco deroma broke on one end.F.H.Evans The Test good conditionCarr brothers fair shape, broke on one end small hole in the lid.shick injector scuffed. gem good shape

    15 Ward safety razor in box with 4 blades. Handle in good shape blades are pitted, Box in good shape.

    Like I said nothing fancy. Just an assortment of workhorse razors.

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I say don't sell them. Down the road you will be sorry you did. Just fix them up and use them. You can never have too many razors.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #13
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    Agreed! That need to clean up will pass. Even with a pile of new ones you'll realize in many respects the older ones are just as god if not better. Down the road (as in this winter), you'll be sorry if you get rid of them. Even the no-name razors are great to work on and use. How will you feel when you trash a new $140 Dovo? Resist the urge to eliminate razors!

  4. #14
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    I've found that cleaning house is hard for me to do.Over the weekend I hand the opertunity to trade for a flintlock pistol but it was an all or nothing kinda deal. Even though the pistol was nice I just could not seem to give them up.

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