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  1. #1
    Senior Member jleeg's Avatar
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    Default Shaving and Spending

    My contemplations in the shower this morning ran like a thread on this site. So here it is. Yesterday I read a post asking how we use our scuttles. One member brusquely suggested that it was over the top to pay $50 or more for a coffee mug (not a direct quote). Makes sense. But to me the answer didnt quite square, and its perhaps because I paid nearly $50 for my glorified coffee mug! To me that stance represented an approach to SR shaving that runs against the grain. The grain seems to run in the direction of finding whatever it takes to get an enjoyable comfortable and satisfying shave. Yet, I read many posts about low priced shaving innovations and discoveries. Innovation and discovery YES. Grumpy old man I walked barefoot to school in the snow and I liked it NO.

    In common, we SR shavers enthusiastically relish the esoterica of what is, to most of the civilized world, a damn mundane chore. There is the tactile stimulation from feeling the heft of a well made blade, the smooth and centered closure in the scales...and similar minutae regarding soaps, brushes, hones, stops and on and on. Is this what we have in common?

    But...........we have our differences. Perhaps the biggest is our approach to spending (relative to our means). I'm guessing most of us spend more than we would shaving via other means despite the fact that once equipped with the basics, you're set for life. I rationalize by acknowledge shaving as a hobby. Hell, I pay to watch lousy tv. But to some of us its boar not super badger, kitchen bowl not scuttle, Clubman not L'Instant de LeGuerein, Norton not Shapton.

    Maybe we should take a poll. Are there people here who subscribe to the save-money-shaving school? I know I have spent plenty so that I can save! Will I, on my deathbed, regret the purchase of my scuttle.....hope not!!

    By the way, I am not so much talking about our ability to buy as much as I am our willingness to buy relative to our means. I well understand that many of us, especially in these hard times, cannot pull the plug on many purchases we'd like to make. And don't we all love bargains!! No offense to anyone. By the way, if each of you puts a dollar in my mug I will put it to my admission in the Mastro Livi club. Thanks for permitting the ramble.

    Best to all

  2. #2
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    I can comment from both sides. When I first got started, I bought all the kit I'd need to shave forever... Dovo razor, nice strop, lathering bowl, many soaps, lots of hones, etc, etc.

    Most people recognize me from my "redneck" inventions, which are low cost alternatives to most shaving needs (soap, bayrum, strop, scuttle). Now, in most cases I spent more money developing these things than I would have just buying them from a store.

    For me it's about the challenge. I frequently spend lots of money buying nice razors even though i have enough to rotate through the rest of my life. But I enjoy the challenge of trying to homebrew shaving gear, much like the challenge of homebrewing beer. (fun fact... homebrewed beer is almost always more expensive than buying it from a store, even more expensive than fancy imports)

  3. #3
    Senior Member jleeg's Avatar
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    Jockeys, I actually was thinking of you, your red-necked scuttle and homemade soaps!! Love it all and your enthusiasm. Actually a little envious of your creativity.

    By the way, I am an all-grain brewer and fly tier. I've read you can save money doing these things.......oy...not even close. If my kids don't take up these hobbies there will be some great buys out there (later than sooner I hope).

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  5. #4
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    I am now in a posistion where I want this hobby to be more or less self sufficient. I think that is possible.

  6. #5
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    I am new to this all and am trying to get up to the point where I can stop getting stuff. Want 1 more razor and 1 more nice strop. Have 3 soaps I consider all that I need and have a scuttle and two brushes. I am spending alot now but plan to stop as soon as I have a few more things. Considering I was spending about $4 a week on Gillette Fusion Power Blades, thats about $200 a year just on I would need cream. So I guess if I can not keep buying razors and soaps after my last couple of wants are satisfied I will be in the low cost shavers group...but right now I am spending like an idiot....hahaha.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Well I tend to go overboard and this pursuit has been no exception. I have spent beyond my means on razors mostly and I have the credit card balance to prove it. I am in remission right now. If I was to turn it loose I would be on SRD's site spending $4,800.00 on four Livis. But I ain't gonna do it to myself.
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  8. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There is a whole contingent who subscribe to the shaving on the cheap mantra and they are happy with the bare bones gear and if you are happy with that then so be it. There are on the flip side guys who only want the best and can afford it. I think most of us are in the middle and we want quality but within reason. Of course some will pay dearly for a razor but look for basic soaps and after shaves and some have huge hone collections and would never buy a "new" razor so there's alot of variation in what we buy and what's important to us.

    Of course me being thebigspendur, well you know how that goes. Lucky for me I have an extra key to the back door to Fort Knox.
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  9. #8
    ATG is offline
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    I'm somewhere in the middle with all this like thebigspendur was saying. I'm actually pretty anal about keeping records and whatnot and for the 7 months now that I've been shaving with a straight razor I've spent $648.14 Canadian on shaving-related stuff. Some of it I didn't really need or could have at least bought something cheaper but some of it is fairly low-end but does its job well (eg. my $35 badger brush). A significant portion of that is shipping costs, which really sucks but I've got to live with it.

    At the moment I've got all the stuff I need to sustain me shaving-wise for the rest of my life (except for stocking up on soap and cream once in a while), but I know that I'll probably end up buying more stuff (just at a slower rate than I have been in the last 7 months ).

  10. #9
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    funny, I've kept a record as well.

    So far, it's cost a damn sight more that cartriges did hahaha

  11. #10
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    I used the "I'll save money" to rationalize my new spending habit... if I don't buy another razor or hone, I figure I'm at 5 years to break even... and I can tell you now I don't have the willpower...


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