View Poll Results: How do you feel about the growing straight razor community

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  • I love that the community of sr users is growing dramatically

    36 30.77%
  • I would like the community to grow, but for the right reasons

    60 51.28%
  • I don't care either way

    21 17.95%
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  1. #11
    Retired Developer
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    The net is a bad place to be if you are looking for extrinsic motivation. I shave with a straight razor because it works better for me than anything else, and because I enjoy the Zen moments it brings to my life. Whether or not other people shave for other reasons, some of which I might even disapprove of on second thought, is none of my concern.

    However, I voted "I would like the community to grow, but for the right reasons". Whatever those may be. I believe that online communities either grow organically (and that may well mean "exponentially") or not at all.

    You might find KCNN: Twelve Tips for Growing Positive Communities Online an interesting read in any event.
    Last edited by BeBerlin; 06-03-2009 at 08:07 PM. Reason: The last sentence no verb.

  2. #12
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I like to think we are the tip of a straight razor iceberg. Without trying to be offensive, I imagine that some of the guys who use straights may not have a tonne of computer skills, so that what we see here is the intersection of two sets: online-savvy straight users and enthusiasts. There must be more people out there, and potentially they have enormous straight razor skills sets. In all likelihood these are older-generation people.

    I guess what I am saying is that, yes, straight users are a smaller group than safety razor users, but that what we see at SRP is most likely a niche subset of actual straight users. Let's be honest - for a lot of us it is a hobby as well as a necessity. Some guys just use straights because they do, and would view SRP as a weird shaving geek site until they got to know it better.

    Therefore I believe there is a lot more potential for growth of SRP if we could tap into those guys. I think that would be a good thing.

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  3. #13
      Lynn's Avatar
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    When I started the first straight razor forum in 2000, it was a struggle to get the first 10 members. There was also virtually no information out there for us. The great thing about so many more people is that we have so many more people shaving and honing and sharing new ideas that it is awesome. We have scientists and people with technical skills and old guys like me that rely on just doing things. We have new techniques in restoration that never existed before and more and more people becoming interested in not only restoration, but making razors. We know so much more about soaps and brushes and strops. We have women using straight razors on their own or with their significant others. We have forums now in so many countries doing just what we are.

    And a really great thing is that more and more, we are getting to meet each other and become friends.

    I'm all for continued growth!

    Thanks folks,


  4. #14
    Senior Member 8BallAce's Avatar
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    Personally, I don't think straight razor shaving will become truely mainstream anymore. It may be a fad for some people, but in today's society, there are too many people who cannot appreciate or simply don't want to take the time fora good shave. Everyone seems so rushed and things are only getting faster and busier these days. I think that those truely into straight shaving, like most of the people on this forum, will always stick with it; but for those people who just picked it up for bragging right, they will probably grow out of it in a year or two, as they are probably doing it to be "cool" and not cuz they get a better shave.

  5. #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Sometimes when you are in the middle of things you can't see the whole thing so your opinions may niot be accurate.

    No doubt things have grown and this will continue but in the scheme of things straight shaving will always be a niche thing. Remember that though we see alot of "growth" we have no idea how many start and decide its not for them.

    Personally I think there has always been a suprising number who have always used straights but who have no interest in joining any forum and they have found ways of obtaining what they need through the years.
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  6. #16
    Doc is offline
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    I think growth is a good thing I mean look man Boker is making razors again my god that would not happen if they didn't think they could sell them. The only way that we will ever see quality production razors is through growth and the next generations interest

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    What do you mean, "the right reasons"? What ARE the right reasons?

    The only way you could be hurt by "excessive growth" is if ebay prices go up...and that's only bad for buyers, not sellers.

    Exclusivity is no fun, man.

  8. #18
    Junior Member gollum83's Avatar
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    What is a right reason? Are there wrong ones? I mean I'm new to this and all, seeing as I have only shaved used a straight quite literally for only a week, but in the end isn't a straight just a shaving tool? A really, really cool tool (Yeah sue me jockeys, it was part of the reason I started. So call me a shaving scenester all you want! ) that does a fantastic job at what its supposed to do, but a tool regardless? And learning to use it just another skill?

    Anyway if wanting to learn a new, interest set of skills and get a great shave in the process is wrong, then I don't want to be right!

  9. #19
    membres supérieurs cessnabird's Avatar
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    I love seeing the different opinions and so many replies, especially from the many experienced members on here! Good times!

    Jim R, what I mean by the right reasons is pretty much opinionated. Basically meaning people getting into straights and sticking with them for years, or forever. NOT buying them just so they can brag to their buddies that they own a sr. Yes, it is just my opinion...As for exclusivity, it is wonderful. I will pay twice as much for something if I need to in order to do something special, great and or rare. That's what life is all about! Why fall mainstream when there are so many jewels in life to explore and enjoy that are not well known.

    Like I stated before, this is strictly a poll to see the different opinions. I am all for growth, but in limited numbers and for people who stick it out and truly love sr shaving. I admit it, I am being very selfish in my opinions but why have opinions if you can't share them. I'm not here to look bad or cause a stir, just get everyone thinking and throwing their thoughts out there. Man are you ever!!! Happy shaves gents!
    Last edited by cessnabird; 06-04-2009 at 02:45 AM.

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Well, there have always been, and always will be, people who take up a difficult task and set it down quickly. The more people who try it will mean the more people who stick to it--so let the frat boys and hipsters give it a try! Maybe they'll turn out to be the next Max or Glen!

    Yay open membership!

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