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Thread: Razor Size

  1. #1
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    Default Razor Size

    I must start by saying "Thank you" for all the help "you" have given me. It has been certainly edifying, humbling and entertaining. Further, as an introduction and admission I say, "Hello, my name is Joe, pleased to meet all of you. I am an untrained, unlearned novice."

    Being a novice in the art of straight razor shaving, I need to ask your indulgence a little further with a novice question. The question concerns the size designation (4/8, 5/8, etc.) of razor and their effects on use/shave. Also I am curious which size would be good for me. I have a handlebar moustache and I intend to allow it to continue to grow in size. I find that some descriptions indicate that a smaller razor may be of greater utility to me.

    As an example, please note description HERE

    I am sure that I am putting too much weight into this, but am envious of the larger designated razors and their properties of "practically shave for you" and don't wish to start off on the wrong foot.

    Again thank you for your time, and congratulations on the new site.


  2. #2
    imported_Tony Miller


    I used to go with the smaller is better school too as I have a small beard. I did find it harder to keep the proper angle with a smaller razor and got plenty of nicks. Even now, an experienced hand with a starigh I still have problems when I use a small razor. The 5/8 standard is a good start, beard, moustache or not. I use all 6/8 and 7/8 razors and have great results. on vacation lst week I only took a 5/8 Thiers- Issard and did well although I like larger ones.
    The small ones may be nice for trimming around the moustahce or on upper and lower lips if you had no moustache. That Filarmonica would make a nice second razor though in my opinion.

  3. #3
    FXR is offline
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    I started off with a 5/8 round point, however having a tough beard I now find that I prefer a larger blade generaly 6/8 to 8/8 and 7/8's seem to be getting more popular. Choice is everything when it comes to razors, I have some 5/8's that are really great shavers just depends on the mood on the day. I agree with Tony on the small razor and nicks issue, although In the smaller sizes I have found a small wedge seems to work better than a hollow ground on a tough beard.

    You may like to try a small blade for trimming around the moustashe ( that Filarmonica is rather cute) and a larger blade for general shaving be it spike or round point.

    I would suggest that you think about what you might like to try, and then look at obtaining a shave ready razor from one of the members. If it's not to your liking you can always re-sell it as shave readies always sell on Ebay. As a general day to day razor a 6/8 might be the go, there are group members who sell NOS razors, shave ready at really keen prices.


  4. #4
    Member yan3751's Avatar
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    Default Re: Razor Size

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeMoustache
    I have a handlebar moustache and I intend to allow it to continue to grow in size. I find that some descriptions indicate that a smaller razor may be of greater utility to me.
    I am sure that I am putting too much weight into this, but am envious of the larger designated razors and their properties of "practically shave for you" and don't wish to start off on the wrong foot.
    I have been going through the same thing in my mind, for exactly the same reasons (or at least similar, depending upon the breadth of your definition of "handlebar"). (In my case, I've been speculating how shaving my chin is going to work without bevelling my moustache.)

    I do like the idea of the Filarmonica pair (the 7/8 and 3/8) listed on Classic Shaving. (Functionality aside, the appearance of the 7/8 is also more "my style" than the more decorative models available.) However, I'll probably start off with a lower-cost, SRP-member-owned 5/8 like most folks recommend to see how things play out, prior to buying a more expensive razor (or razors).


  5. #5
      Lynn's Avatar
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    From a utilitystandpoint, I would say you can't go wrong with a 5/8 or 6/8 straight razor. I usually use anything from the 5/8-7/8, although I have some very good 4/8 shavers as well. It will really boil down to personal preference in my opinion. Lynn

  6. #6
    Junior Member Martin Adler's Avatar
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    I just received my Zwilling Friodur 8/8. It passed the standing hair test right out of the box.

    I really can't wait for my first shave with it. I am really curious!

    Best regards

  7. #7
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I used my 4/8 Puma for the first time this morning. What a great shave but I have to get used to the size. It is a tad different keeping the angle when you are used to a 7/8. But I loved it none the less.

  8. #8
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    Default Sizing ....

    I agree that the larger blades seem to shave easier.....but they do require a bit of learning to carve around facial hair like beards and 'staches. I tried a neat little 4/8 I have to trim around my moustache, and it works fine. But now, I have learned to simply FOCUS on the blade's edge, and use the 6/8 and 7/8 I happen to be enamoured with!

    As with all things - you will find what works best for YOU!

    Best -

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