View Poll Results: Shave or don't

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  • yes

    25 75.76%
  • no

    8 24.24%
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  1. #1
    Maker of the BS deusseteh's Avatar
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    Default To shave or not to shave

    So, here is my life as it is. My girlfriend of three years is leaving me and I'm heartbroken. She had just left to go to a wedding when she called and told me we were done so now she is coming back to get here stuff. The question is do I shave my head before or after she leaves for good. I'm not a good looking guy and the general word from people I know is a like worse with my head shaved but I like the feel.

  2. #2
    Member xheartagramgirlx's Avatar
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    I suggest at this time you do whatever it is that makes you feel better, and not worry so much about what other people might think.

  3. #3
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    I'm very sorry to hear about that, my condolences. I would have to agree with xheartagramgirlx. This is a time where you need to worry about yourself and not anyone else. If it makes you feel better, than shave your head. It doesn't matter what other people think, if it makes you happy than do it.

  4. #4
    Professional Pedantic Pontificator
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    First, I got divorced about 2.5 years ago, so I know what it's like to have your heart dumped on.

    So, that being said, I think that you should do two things. (This is assuming that things are really over, and this isn't a fight that might be worked out)

    1. Shave your head whenever the heck you want. Period. Ignore all other reasons for shaving/not shaving and timing.

    2. Have all her stuff boxed up in the living room before she get's back. It will be a good cathartic experience.

    On a more personal note, let me tell you something that you probably can't accept today, but eventually you will.

    Some day soon, maybe a week, maybe 6 months, but soon; you're going to be eating dinner or driving to work and some little thought about the relationship will cross your mind, and you'll suddenly think, "Oh WTF? WhyTF did I even put up with that?"

    Shortly after that, you'll realize that this was a good thing. Until then, you'll feel like hell. Don't be afraid of feeling like crap. Just don't let feeling like crap take over your life.

  5. #5
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    Mate if after three years she CALLS! you to break up she can get stuffed.

    No respect

    Shave & enjoy.

    Morn a little, then go find a girl who loves you for you.

    And be a nice guy


    p.s. Just spoke to my wife & she agreed and added 'Go shopping with a good chick friend to buy you some nice clothes that make you look good with your shaved head'

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I would just say that at the present your really not in your right mind so I wouldn't make any rash decisions about anything. I'd wait for a time and then you can do whatever pleases you.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #7
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    +1. Decisions made at the spur of the moment and at a particularly intense time are usually not well founded. Take a few days to collect your thoughts. That way you will be in a better frame of mind, and a lot less distracted. Better frame of mind with the blade in your hand would be the way to go.

  8. #8
    Professional Pedantic Pontificator
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I would just say that at the present your really not in your right mind so I wouldn't make any rash decisions about anything. I'd wait for a time and then you can do whatever pleases you.
    Quote Originally Posted by dward View Post
    +1. Decisions made at the spur of the moment and at a particularly intense time are usually not well founded. Take a few days to collect your thoughts. That way you will be in a better frame of mind, and a lot less distracted. Better frame of mind with the blade in your hand would be the way to go.

    These things are different for everyone, and if you were talking about plastic surgery, a tattoo, quitting your job, moving across the country or taking up free climbing with no training, I'd be right on board with these guys.

    Since hair grows back*, I stick to my advice, do whatever you feel like doing, and try not to sweat the small stuff.

    In any case, as you can see, there's plenty of people around who have been there and give a crap about how you're doing.

    *Hair "usually" grows back. The first time I shaved my head, I discovere that a lot of the hair on my head was just "hanging around" and wouldn't be growing back. So, if your hair is thinning, you may find there's a lot of hair up there that isn't growing anymore, and therefore won't be growing back if you change your mind.

  9. #9
    Member Unclericky's Avatar
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    Shave. Bald heads look great and feel great.
    My wife didn't like it, which is why I let it grow.

  10. #10
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    Shave and be you self

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