They seem to be late 19th or early 20th Century. They are not Stainless Steel, as they're fairly rusted. On the spine of each blade is a day of the week, and on the face of each blade is a gold-colored etching of a bridge, with towers at each end, and the word "KONN" (except the O has an umlaut -2 dots- over it) On the end of the blade nearest the hinge point are the words "ORIGINAL SOLINGEN" (one over the other) a little caricature of a man (looks sort of like the Quaker Oatmeal man) and then the words SCHULZE MEYER (again one over the other).

Any help identifying these razors, manufacturer, dates of manufacture, or any additional information would be DEARLY appreciated!

I can be reached (and prefer to be, because I am surer to get it) at:

lancer 525 at yahoo dot com.
