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  1. #1
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    Default What should I get for my birthday?

    My birthday is coming up and my wife has actually shown an interest in helping my RAD/HAD. I need help trying to figure out what she should get me.

    Here is what I have already:

    Brush Scuttle and Lather Bowl from Dirty Bird Pottery

    From Max: 7/8 T. Hessen Bruch & Co.

    That’s my favorite razor right now. So well-balanced with great feedback.

    From Max: George Wostenholm & Son’s Celebrated I-XL

    From ZethLent, in Max’s queue for new scales:
    Western style razor made from Japanese steel (very very nice, only $50).

    From Kees: NOS Thuringian. Love it, such a smooth finish.

    Other hones: Henckel 220/1K and 3K/8K. Shapton GS 16K.

    So where to go from here? My wife is Japanese and has researched all she can on blade makers there, and there are these two options that we can see:

    This one from Europe: Iwasaki-Kamisori from Japan

    Old_School is selling a rare one: Tis a very cold day in hell. - Straight Razor Place Classifieds

    But I’m not sure that I am ready for a Japanese style straight quite yet. Not sure how to maintain them, and still a n00b with western style (down to 2 passes with no bleeding though, thanks to the T. Hessen).

    I am quite interested in another western style made in Japan though. Any pointers to something rare that my wife would find acceptable. She does not believe in anything cheap, quality comes at a price, and she loves tradition.

    Or how about a Japanese hone? Does someone know of some good sites that describe the fine tradition of honing - in Japanese? Including some place to buy them (I know of Old_School’s site)?

    Should I consider a vintage Thuringian or Escher? A Shapton GS 30K?

    Maybe a really nice razor holder?


  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You didn't say what kind of brush you have. Maybe a Simpson 2 band brush? or a Plisson HMW?

    Maybe just a redone razor from one of the folks here.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
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    My brush: some Omega brush, cost around $90. It's good enough.

    I'm always looking at the classifieds....

  4. #4
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    I grew up in Northern California and have a real fondness for the redwoods. Have been looking at that razor since the first day I decided to shave with a straight. Please tell us how you like it after trying it out.

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