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  1. #1
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Default Lather Temperature & Shave Closeness

    On my cheek, let's say, my final pass is ATG. And, after the final pass with the blade it is totally smooth; no detectable growth when I rub ATG with my hand. So, I move to another section of my beard. Sometimes, when I recheck the cheek later with my hand, I can feel growth again.

    This leads me to think that the warm lather on my cheek causes my cheek flesh to enlarge a little. And, that after my cheek cools down a little the flesh constricts, reexposing a small amount of stubble. That's the only theory I can come up with.

    I am interested whether others experience the same thing, and in other's thoughts.

    My tentative conclusion is that I should use warm lather on every pass but the last pass. And, that on the last pass the lather should be cooler, which would cool the skin and expose slightly more growth for removal.

  2. #2
    Senior Member brothers's Avatar
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    It is only my opinion, not a verified physiological fact, but I think its the moisture that causes the whiskers to be extended for the purpose of increasing the closeness of the shave, then as the face and beard dries after shaving, the whiskers recede back into the skin. I'd think that there wouldn't be any reason to cool your face and beard in hopes of getting a closer shave, actually, I'd presume that the shave will be closer if the whiskers are warm and extended as the blade passes by.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't think the temperature of the lather makes any difference. It may seem more pleasant to use hot lather however from the times I've used luke-warm, cold or hot the shave is the same in the end. If you use a very hot towel before shaving its more likely that will give you more benefits than hot lather.
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  4. #4
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    In my post, I wondered whether the warm vs cold made a difference in the amount of stubble exposed. If this is true, I never thought about wet vs dry being the explanation. Interesting...

    Just wondering, as a previous post said, if "whiskers are warm and extended", or not. Possibly, whiskers warm and extend. Or, possibly, flesh warms and becomes fuller and so covers whiskers somewhat.

    Just wondering...

  5. #5
    Senior Member crushnbugs's Avatar
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    I always thought that the warm water softened up the beard. Warm lather the same thing with a little lube making a nice shave experience.

    I think that the whiskers may be growing in a different direction and the ATG pass is no longer ATG. Leaving a few behind?

    This is what happens to me anyways. I have a few that go all directions under my chin and I need a few passes to be sure I get them all.

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