If you have a five bladed razor, aren't you essentially going over each area 5 times? Most people that use disposables go about two or three strokes any way. So, doesn't that mean that you will really be giving any given area on your face about 15 passes with a blade? I've tried to think of many snappy comments to put in this space right here, all I can come up with is: That's stupid!

I can picture the board room at Gillette as this this little beauty is being pitched to the boss.

On the other hand. I say let 'em do thier thing. I would rather they get caught up in the multi bladed race to the apocolypse than starting to focus on the straight razor. I personally find that being among the skilled and stylish minority of open bladers is part of the appeal. I don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry to become straight users.