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  1. #11
    Should I straight? Baloosh's Avatar
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    If it works for that individual couple, who are you to pass judgment on it? Granted you (and I) would never stand for such a relationship dynamic, but that doesn't make it any more or less valid to the percentage of couples that choose to partake in those relationships.

    I doubt any of those guys need to be pitied. They're all adults, fully able to choose how their marriages work.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psicko View Post
    As pointed out above, if the financial aspect of it should be observed. My other half does the finances, she is an accountant. For me its more akin to asking if I can afford it.
    Exactly the same for me. My wife handles the money, and she's darn good at it, so when I want to make a major purchase, I ask/tell her.

    And so far, my wife has not ONCE said "No." A couple of times she has said, after a long, level look, "Are you sure?"

    At which point I say "No, no, it can wait..."

    Smooths the rails a bit, knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

  3. #13
    I just want one of each. keenedge's Avatar
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    In conversation the other day one of the guys mentioned he had read an article about a marriage longevity study. Apparently the only thing they could find statistically significant about marriages that lasted the long haul, was that the guy folded when push came to shove. I have no source to list, so I have no idea how valid the study was. Just thought it was interesting.

  4. #14
    Senior Member tcharah's Avatar
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    I don't have to many problems with it... Just, when i started with str8 shaving i bought a bunch of razors at once, spending alot of money..and she of course "didn't like it" i wouldn't like it if she spended a huge amount of money with a bunch of shoes..or even worst..with only one pair! Now, that my RAD is pretty much controled..but sometimes "Ops!".. i try to sell one or another razor to buy others..or just get some "extra money" not buying other things that i would like beer!.. kidding! Just trying to be "reasonable and conscious" in spending money.
    Now shes only "jealous" when i pay to much attention to the, the SRP.. but she gets over it very quickly.

  5. #15
    Senior Member brothers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimR View Post
    Exactly the same for me. My wife handles the money, and she's darn good at it, so when I want to make a major purchase, I ask/tell her.

    And so far, my wife has not ONCE said "No." A couple of times she has said, after a long, level look, "Are you sure?"

    At which point I say "No, no, it can wait..."

    Smooths the rails a bit, knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
    Sounds like a wise course of action. One thing I've learned, maybe had to re-learn a few times, is that when she says, "do you think we could ..." I should listen carefully, think it over, and pleasantly respond, with that magic phrase, "yes, I think that is a good idea." I can think of a number of times I have given the wrong answer.

  6. #16
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    This is one hobby my wife has had no problem with at all and even encourages me:-) If I find a razor that is very attractive she wants to see the picture and actually appreciates them.
    I get a Caswell & Massey catalog and while I don't buy much from them she has discovered it and orders ladies products from it. I even got her to try a DE and now she's a convert to those and swipes my mint shave cream from time to time--LOL!

  7. #17
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    When we married 38 years ago we agreed that one of us would not spend over a certain amount without consulting the other. It has worked well for us all this time. Such an arrangement also allows for a "cooling off" period and discourages large impulse purchases, and makes one consider if the purchase is really worth the discussion, from a timing stand point if no other.
    While she questions if any item as mundane as a razor or shaving brush could possibly be worth $300, there have been items she wanted that I've questioned also.
    We have shared "doing the books". At one time I was traveling alot and she took over. Later when she was too busy, or just tired of it, I took care of the money. Most of the banking is now on line, and as I have better computer skills I now handle the money. Lots of ways to skin the cat.
    She does think I'm a bit nuts for shaving with a straight razor. On the other hand she tells all her friends, so I know there is no hidden resentment.

  8. #18
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    My girlfriend has never said anything against my shaving habits, or all the various bits and bobs that go along with it. She calls them my "man products"..!

    Actually, when I was on SRD the other night looking at the Shaptons I ended up buying she told me to go for it. The reason being that I have an old razor at home that I want to restore and she's fed up with it lying around..! I guess as long as I keep an out of condition razor lying around my RAD/ HAD habits can go unabated...!

    "Sorry, I need some Naniwas now, this blade doesnt like the Shaptons..."
    "Now I need a new strop, mine is only 2" wide..."

    She's off to Chicago tomorrow for a week and I've armed her with the buy/dont buy lists from the Wiki..! I wonder what she'll find in the antique stores over there...?

  9. #19
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye5 View Post
    She does think I'm a bit nuts for shaving with a straight razor. On the other hand she tells all her friends, so I know there is no hidden resentment.
    My wife would agree to your statement and she does the same thing. She told her dad and brother. Her brother has recently converted to a straight and my father-in-law, who hates shaving, is giving me his great grandfather's straight razor. He did not have much information on it but said I should be receiving a package in a few days. I will post some pictures of it soon.

    On a side note, my wife is now fully onboard with me shaving with a straight razor, she likes the idea of me be fully in control. That should give you some insight to her thoughts of me buying a motorcycle
    Last edited by ReardenSteel; 08-25-2009 at 04:24 PM. Reason: fix a typo

  10. #20
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    Better not be any resistance to my shaving hobby or its "BANG" "ZOOM" "TA DA MOON" (Jackie Gleason)(The honeymooners)

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