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  1. #1
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Unhappy tracking down obscure distributors/manufacturers

    Hi, sorry to bug everyone about this but I'm rather curious about a
    couple of razor distributors in the ohio area. I've been to the
    files/etc. here and I've looked at some online razor company history
    sites but have gotten nothing.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

    Does anyone know anything about the "Youngstown B S. Co." (a.k.a. the
    youngstown barber supply company) of Youngstown Ohio, and "WH Baughman
    Co" of Akron Ohio.

    What I've found so far is thus:

    Youngstown B S. Co Owned by Harry Spero operated under this name from
    1910 to 1928. in 1928 the address was listed as 310 North avenue
    Youngstown Ohio.

    I'm still waiting on the information from historical archives at UofA
    in Akron on the WH Baughman. It sounds like both companies had razors
    made elsewhere (the baughman's obviously in germany). I'd like to
    figure out, if possible, who made the razors for them, and in the case
    of the baughman's, what date(s) they made the Baughman's No. 49. or if
    it is number 49 out of so many of a limited edition razor made
    specifically for that company.

    Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks


  2. #2
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I would talk to some old barbers. That helped me find some of the old suppliers and where they are now. Sveral were operating inder new names and almost all had moved to outlying suburbs.

    In the case of Baughman try calling people with the same last name.

    Also try Goins Encyclopedia of Cutlery Markings.

    Since WWII destroyed most of the German mfg records the only source is here in the USA in the hands of the importers.

    Good luck,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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