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Thread: Two Razor Shave

  1. #1
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Default Two Razor Shave

    Some time back, I asked for advice here on shaving the crease in the neck under the chin. I got great advice, and after some practice was able to get close to BBS. Today, I achieved BBS liftoff in an unexpected way!

    Last week I bought a F.VonBrosy 4/8 dwarf razor. (I think dwarf is an alternate way to say 4/8, isn't it?) Short, narrow blade! Felt like a toy in my hands when I shaved with it. But, I was able to do things with it, blade angles, controlled scything and slices, that I wasn't able to do with a larger blade. And, that put me over the top on the neck crease area.

    There is also a crease where the lower lip meets the chin that is difficult as well. The dwarf razor made things easier there also, as I was better able to "scoop" while shaving there; to discretely control the blade angle over the smallest distances during a stroke.

    Same for under the nose.

    When I purchased the razor, (thanks, ChayesFSS), it was part of a set of seven razors belonging to an old-time barber's collection. All but one of the razors were on the smaller side. Now, I can understand why.

    But, now my enthusiasm is at an end. For the dwarf's advantage seemed to me to be it's disadvantage. At no time during the shave could I relax! If I did, the angle of the blade might be wrong, and produce sliced skin. My thought now is that I will shave with two razors. A "regular" razor, and touch up at the end with a dwarf razor.

    I haven't heard anyone mention shaving with two razors. But, it makes sense to me.


    If you shave with multiple razors, would you reply here with details?

    Even if you don't use more than one razor during a shave due to lack of the proper mix of razors, what type razors would you like to mix together for your perfect shave complement?
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  2. #2
    I just want one of each. keenedge's Avatar
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    I don't see any reason why you shouldn't shave with two razors. If it works for you, why not? I just bought a small razor myself yesterday, about the same size as yours. It's a Koken "Little Diamond." The width is 7/16" and has a 2-3/4 inch long working edge. Pretty tiny. Can't wait to clean it up and shave with it. Hopefully I can put a good enough edge on it to do so. I'm hoping it will help me clean up the neck area. If it does, you can bet I'll be shaving with two razors for a while.

  3. #3
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keenedge View Post
    I just bought a small razor myself yesterday, about the same size as yours. It's a Koken "Little Diamond."
    Nice! As expected when buying used, there are some spots on it. But, in the picture, the metal appears sound and the edge good as well. (The more I shave, the more I like a little smile in my blade. Like yours.) It should clean up nicely!

    Hope you got a good deal on the razor.

  4. #4
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Did you notice how much shinier my quarter is than KeenEdge's quarter? That is because I used 0.25 micron diamond paste on it, and (until now, a trade secret) followed that with a buffing with 0.1 micron Ferrous Oxide! Mr KeenEdge obviously doesn't know brass s*** (as my saintly mother said ONE time in my hearing) about shining quarters!

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  6. #5
    I just want one of each. keenedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryAndro View Post

    Did you notice how much shinier my quarter is than KeenEdge's quarter? That is because I used 0.25 micron diamond paste on it, and (until now, a trade secret) followed that with a buffing with 0.1 micron Ferrous Oxide! Mr KeenEdge obviously doesn't know brass s*** (as my saintly mother said ONE time in my hearing) about shining quarters!
    You rule. How much do you charge for quarter restorations? I just don't have the stomach for the hours of buffing it takes, to get the level of shiny that you do.

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  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    I sometimes use two razors. I had neck surgery a few years ago and lost three discs in my neck. The result was one big block of solid metal that takes up three levels. I lost a lot of range of movement and sometimes can not "see" where I am shaving. I use a 3/8" short blade for the left side of my neck when i am stiff and it works for me. I get a better feel for the smaller blade in my hand and have gotten used to shaving that side blind, The smaller blade is much easier to maneuver and has never bitten me.
    Having Fun Shaving

  9. #7
    Straight Shaver Apprentice DPflaumer's Avatar
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    I'm new at this so take it with a grain of salt, but...

    I shave with two razors sometimes. I have a 6/8 I use for the face, and I like to use a smaller 4/8 to trim around my goatee and under my nose.

  10. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I only use one however this is one of those things where each finds his own way. They produced those small 2/8s and 3/8s razors as trim razors to get into tight areas and do precision work.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  11. #9
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    I shave with 3 razors . I use a 6/8 for the first pass , a 5/8 for the second , and a 4/8 or 9/16 for my upper and lower lip , and general touch up . Why do I use a 5/8 for the second pass ? Because I have to use them for something .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

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  13. #10
    I just want one of each. keenedge's Avatar
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    Well I was able to get my Little Diamond sharp enough to shave with tonight. The edge certainly isn't the sharpest I've encountered but it gave me the closest shave I've had. I almost got my neck BBS, I'd say 98%. I can't do that with my Le Grelot 1/4 grind, and I paid $8.00 for the Little Diamond. Maybe that has more to do with my skill, just say'n. I had my Hess stropped and ready to step in, but the Little Diamond didn't need any help. I just might become a small width convert. Now I just need to get that edge dialed in a little better.......

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