Hey guys,

Not that I assume anyone noticed, but I've not been posting much lately as it's been a busy summer for yours truly. However I should announce that it all culminated with my wedding, which took place last weekend. Yes, after 4 years, and nearly 15 years of acquaintance, we finally sealed the deal in front on a small gathering of family and close friends. Now when I call my SO "the wife" I can actually mean it !

I guess I should mention something shaving-related as this is SRP! Before the ceremony I lathered up with my best Castle Forbes lime cream and gave myself the smoothest straight shave possible (6/8 Dovo Bismarck). I paid the price for it this week as I went ATG in places I don't usually dare, but this was a special occasion, and I needed the closest, best looking shave possible. It was worth it.

So, now that I joined those of you who have taken the plunge before me, if you married guys have any advice/ranting, by all means let's hear it. This could be the "Marriage Thread"........

Best Regards,
