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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Western North Carolina
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    Question Judging remaining blade life

    I'm curious if there exists any "rule-of-thumb" when judging how much remaining service-life a used razor has left.
    I purchased an interesting 15/16 razor off ebay recently, simply so I could have a "large" blade in my tiny five-razor collection (though all excellent shavers currently in rotation).
    I was aware this razor was well used as the handle had been replaced with something handmade (though nicer than the included photo indicates) and the honing-wear was conspicuous enough in the auction's photos.

    However, after receiving the razor, the blade appears to be in better shape than the Ebay photos led me to believe... and the handle, though not exactly "pretty", isn't too shabby either.

    Looking at the images below of this 15/16 Sheffield razor, is this razor nearing its "useful-life" limit? At the very least, I have a clever of a razor for the collection. The razor has a nick-free edge and remains very sharp, so I think a few swipes on the surgical black Arkansas stone and a few more on a pasted strop will bring this razor back to keen.

    BTW, the razor's huge handles cause the blade to appear smaller in the photos than they really are... I should think these handles would fit a troll's hand quite well.

    Most worn side

    Least worn side
    Last edited by Hungryboxerdog; 10-16-2005 at 05:22 AM.

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