I just started a new job in London with a small company. Ive been getting on well with everyone and yesterday the director asked me if Id be growing a beard for November.

For those in parts of the world where this is not a custom, 'Movember' is basically where sometimes people sport a moustache/ beard throughout november until 1 months growth, often for charity within companies.

Naturally I said I liked being clean shaven. I didnt go as far as to tell him that being a straight shaver I hate beards and razors and shaving are pretty much a big hobby of mine!

The director told me its a company custom and they all do it, although I dont have to do it.

I told him mayb and we left it at that.

Question is, what do I do!?

I hate beards and even 4 days growth feel itchy and horrible! Maybe Ill have to use up all my annual holiday entitlement and just escape for a month!

Any suggestions?