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  1. #1
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    Default Which of these two microscopes would you recommend?


    I'm trying to decide between these two microscopes, the Veho Discovery Deluxe USB Microscope 400x) and the Qx5 computer microscope. Does anyone have any of these two models? How do they perform? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petesurfer View Post

    I'm trying to decide between these two microscopes, the Veho Discovery Deluxe USB Microscope 400x) and the Qx5 computer microscope. Does anyone have any of these two models? How do they perform? Thanks!
    I don't have veho, but somebody did. Use the seach function to search "veho". Out of those two, it think veho kicks the snot out of the other one: picture resolution 1600x1200 vs 640x 480?.

  3. #3
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    I would go with the Veho, hands down.

    I don't have it, but I was one of the people talking about it in another thread.

    The other scope looks like it has set magnification intervals. The Veho, at lower resolutions, is fully adjustable from IIRC 40x-400x.

  4. #4
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    I do have the VEHO USB microscope. The only reason I use it is because I wear bifocals and have to take them off to look at anything with the Radio Shack one. Here are two photos I took of one location on a wedge this past week. The first one is where a problem was and the second was after I honed it.

    Name:  Blade chip.jpg
Views: 124
Size:  21.3 KB

    Name:  Blade chip after.jpg
Views: 138
Size:  19.1 KB

    Since I hone many razors, this has helped me avoid the eyeglass removal, but if it weren't for that, I think I would be just as happy with the Shack microscope. JMHO


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