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  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default Thebigspendurs Weekly Shaving Brainbuster #17

    Good morning Shaving Fiends

    This week the family and I went to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Once again Cletus set up his forge to give some demonstrations and sell some razors and Auntie had a tent where she sold some exotic meat burritos (har har) to the crowd and Festus brought that damn goat with him. Auntie has been sewing fabric together for months to make a balloon but Jethro didn’t have any propane for the burner so he rigged up a gasoline burner homemade style.

    So we got there early in the morning to set things up and they were doing a landoffice business. Festus was chasing that damn goat around and the goat jumped into a basket and Festus cut open the sandbags anchoring the balloon which then wrapped around his foot and the damn thing took off with the goat in the basket and Festus hanging by his feet. Jethro saw this and launched his balloon to try and catch him and after getting about 500 feet into the air and drifting off a mile or so the gasoline burner set the fabric ablaze. Then the gasoline started leaking from the tank and the basket fell off and caught fire and fell on a propane storage depot setting it on fire which exploded taking with it the Northern Part of the city. Luckily Jethro jumped out onto a passing radio tower before the balloon fell on some high tension wires exploding on impact and sending Albuquerque into a total blackout for the balance of the day. Luckily for Festus the balloon landed safely on private property so he and the goat got the hell out of there before the owner arrived.

    So the Electric Company is looking for Jethro to pay for all the damage and the FAA is looking for him too. How’s he supposed to know you need a pilot’s license to fly a balloon anyway? Jethro told me while in the balloon he spied some badgers and was going to go back and trap them. He said it reminded him about when he was a young man and was hiking across Europe and killed a bunch of really plush badgers for some brush project. He said because of that they outlawed badger trapping in Europe. Also the city inspector cited Auntie because she didn’t have a business license to sell food so she wacked him over the head with a frying pan and his Brother-in-Law is chief of the State Police. I’ll bet that smarted. Then the ASPCA is looking for Festus, something about cruelty to animals but Festus says cruelty? Why when she and I, er… hmm, you know what I mean, she squeals with delight. Then there’s this dude who says he an agent for State Farm and he’s looking for Festus too.

    So the shaving brainbuster for this week concerns Festus. I did say he landed safely but he landed safely on someone’s roof which caved in. While there he noticed the guy had a bunch of straight razors which he grabbed as he ran out the door. I told him that that was theft but he said the guy had so many primo razors he must be..well kind of a bigspendur or something (har har).

    So after getting home we looked at those razors and were deciding how to clean them up. Several had tarnish and patina on them. Whats the best way to remove this? Also a couple had a few chips maybe a mm deep what kind of hone will we need to take those out and what technique should we use to hone? Lastly, all the razors seem to have celluloid scales and we have them all stored together in a shoe box but one really stinks like vinegar and where the blade sits in the scales its all black and pitted. What’s going on here? Anything we should know about this?

    Be sure to check back on Wednesday for the razorius answers. I understand that wiley state farm agent and that bigspendur are tracking down the family as you read this and the ASPCA won’t be far behind. ASPCA? I hope those Badgers don’t show up.

    Oh and by the way Festus wanted me to ask the fine folks at SRP to come up with a name for his goat. What say you? He says the winner can have 1 hour with her (if you know what I mean-har har)
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What, no one wants to come up with a name for the goat? Maybe an hour with her isn't long enough for you guys eh? I can ask Festus if he'll add some time but I didn't think you guys were that type. Har Har.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Razor honing maniac turbine712's Avatar
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    Well for the tarnish on the blades a nice rub down with MASS or FLITZ should take care of the problem.
    For the chips in the blade, I would run the blade either on some 300 grit sandpaper on a lapping plate or use a 220 grit norton stone to take the chip out.
    As far as the celluloid scales, I would first keep them away from the other razors because that set of scales has celluloid rot.
    I'm sure there are plenty other answers to the chipped blade issue.
    I think the goat's name should be baaaaaaby.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well congratulations Turbine you have won. Step up and take a bow and enjoy your moment in the sun. Festus has agreed with your name for his goat. He wants to know when you will be coming over to have your way with Baaby. Will an hour be enough time or do you need more?

    As far as the other answers go, I would use a norton 1K or 4K to get the chips out with circular strokes but there are many ways of doing it. With the Celluloid rot I would remove the scales and trash them ASAP.

    Stay tuned for next weeks shaving brainbuster. Something about some monster running around the desert near where that bomb went off.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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