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  1. #1
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    Default New straight razor user needs help

    Thank you for those who helped out to answer my question posted 2 days ago. The forum members here, like those at Leica Forum at, are generous to share their experience.
    I have ordered a 3 1/3 in. Dovo strop and 0.5 paste, but can't wait for its arrival. I stropped the TI with my leather belt about 15 rounds and shaved this morning. The result was ....better than expected, with a little bit of blood and not as good as the M3. I know it takes time to practice and with the right tools (strop and paste).
    I now have three questions:
    1. I want to get one more razor, the one I have is a TI 5/8 in. I am thinking of getting a heavier one (TI 7/8 in.) to try out. Any one think that I, being a newbie, should not use a 7/8 blade. Would you recommend I stick to TI or you have any brand of better quality to advise?
    2. I am now using a bristle brush. It is said that a badger brush is much better and worth the money - the badger brush is really expensive! What is your advise?

    Best Regards,
    Tom Tong

    3. Should I use 1 and 0.5 paste or 0.5 and 0.25 strop paste for use on the new TI razor?

  2. #2
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    It's hard to answer your question in total so I will answer what I can.

    I personnaly like a bigger blade 7/8's. Especially if you have a tough beard. TI's have been said by many here on the site to be great. I don't have a TI so I can't comment other than that.

    A Badger brush comes in many sizes and types. They can cost from $25 to several hundred. I would recommend getting a modest priced one you will see a difference. I have a silver badger brush that used to be my fathers it is probably forty years old and is still a great brush.

    As for the paste start small only move up if needed.

  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom tong
    I have ordered a 3 1/3 in. Dovo strop and 0.5 paste(strop and paste).
    Just be sure NOT to use the grit pastes on a hanging strop. They are used with flatbed or paddle strops. Using the 0.5 micron paste on hanging leather will round your blade's edge.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom tong
    1. Any one think that I, being a newbie, should not use a 7/8 blade. Would you recommend I stick to TI or you have any brand of better quality to advise?
    7/8 should be just fine if you feel you will be comfortable with it. Going with the TI cannot be considered a bad option by anyone, but if you want to add something different to your collection you might also enjoy a new experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom tong
    2. I am now using a bristle brush. It is said that a badger brush is much better and worth the money - the badger brush is really expensive! What is your advise?
    My grandpa only ever had a regular badger hair brush, not the silver tip, and never felt a need to upgrade because he liked the one he had so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom tong
    3. Should I use 1 and 0.5 paste or 0.5 and 0.25 strop paste for use on the new TI razor?
    If you're going to need another paddle strop I'd recommend Tony Miller's paddles. I have two and they're beautiful. A four sider would enable you to use all 3 grits you mention. I'm only using the 0.5 right now and it works just fine, keeping an edge from slipping away due to use, but am thinking about adding the 0.25 to get an even sharper edge. I don't use the 1.0 because I have some water stones and barber hones which fill that need. The 1.0 would help you be more aggressive with your edge, but if you're getting decent shaves already that may not be too necessary, just helpful.

    Last edited by xman; 11-06-2005 at 03:10 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member marciaga's Avatar
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    The badger brushes are just no comparison. You can pick up a cheap ($9) Tweezerman badger brush here:
    I have a vulfix also, which I obtained from and it was about $35. It's a lot better than the tweezerman, in my view. But compared to a bristle, any badger brush seems light years better. As for the question on pastes, I have no advice. I use barber hones and waterstones (that wasn't supposed to rhyme) and a plain strop. These get the job done. And I'm not sure it matters about the size of the blade width. I tend to like a heavy blade. I'm not sure it works better, but I like the feel of it. Anyway, good luck

  5. #5
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom tong
    The forum members here, like those at Leica Forum at, are generous to share their experience.
    Hah. Another Leica man. Knife forums is crawling with them. (M6, SL-2 50 Jahre)

    1. I want to get one more razor, the one I have is a TI 5/8 in. I am thinking of getting a heavier one (TI 7/8 in.) to try out. Any one think that I, being a newbie, should not use a 7/8 blade. Would you recommend I stick to TI or you have any brand of better quality to advise?
    I'll tell you what. If you decide on a TI 7/8 let me know. I bought a bunch of them one drunken night and have a black horn handled spike point ($169.00+shipping from new in leather pouch. I'll sell it to you shave-ready for $150.00 all in. I think you will be very happy with the 7/8. I wasn't planning on selling it, but it's just sitting right now since I have two others in rotation.

    3. Should I use 1 and 0.5 paste or 0.5 and 0.25 strop paste for use on the new TI razor?
    I used .5 and .25 on new TI with hair popping results.

  6. #6
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    These guys just gave you some pretty good advice!

    Get a paddle strop for the abrasive pastes. A 4 sided paddle strop will allow you to use the 1.0, 0.5 and 0.25 micron pastes or purchase 2 two sided paddle strops ( I prefer the wide paddle strops).

    The TI razors are excellent and you will not regret getting them.

    The size issue is best answered by the question, how dense and thick are your whiskers? Does the razor you have do a good job? A heavier blade is generally preferred by those with a heavy beard. Other than that its mostly personal preference.

    Hope this helps,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  7. #7
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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