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  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default Thebigspenders Weekly Shaving Brainbuster #19

    Good morning shaving fiends

    Well I was just getting ready to settle in for a long honing session with some neat custom razors Jethro got for me off that UPS truck. They were headed for Dallas. I hope they weren’t yours.

    At any rate I had to get ready for the clan’s annual Halloween Party. With the addition of electricity this year I was really looking forward to it. Jethro was asking me what’s the best way to glue a Badger hair Knot in a brush. He had used some resin in a custom brush he had made some time ago but it came loose. I told him to try some Gorilla Glue. He said why do I want to Glue some Gorillas? I said no silly it’s the name of the stuff. He said it had to be quality because it was a real looker of a brush. I said, just try it.

    When I got there things were really going strong. They had all kinds of neat activities like who could chop down the most old growth trees in the national Forest first and how many cows you could tip in quick succession (I made sure the general was bedded down at home because he doesn’t cotton much to cow tipping). Then there were the variations on apple bobbing but the apples were studded with razor blades just to make it more challenging. Festus won the pumpkin carving contest but he used Cletus’s best straights to do it and ruined them so Cletus tied Festus to a tree and used him for target practice for his knife throwing as we all cheered. Then Navajo Joe took some electric wires and started applying them to Festus’s ..well, err you know what I mean and we cheered even more. I swear Baaaby was laughing. Of course Auntie made her usual holiday spread.

    Everyone was dressed up in costumes. Festus was dressed like a goat and Jethro was wearing a bear outfit and Cletus was wearing some moth eaten monkey costume. Billy Bob showed up (he was given a few days off by the Government) but he didn’t need any suit. He was just the Hideous Sun Demon. Navajo Joe was there dressed like a, well, err wild indian. He had what looked like scalps on his belt but I didn’t ask him about those.

    After dinner we had a pumpkin pie eating contest and man I’ve never seen someone eat pies so fast you’d think he was some kind of wild animal or something and I kept telling Jethro that but he just kept eating and Auntie was getting mad because he was eating all her pies up. Just then I notice Jethro walking back to the house from the latrine and did a double take cause if he was there who’s this sitting next to me eating all those pies? Well once he saw jethro it became obvious, it was that bear, the real one and he took off after Jethro who jumped in my station wagon which the bear started dismantling to get inside. Then Navajo Joe who had been imbibing the firewater jumped on the bears back and the bear disappeared into the forest with Joe on his back like some champion bronc buster. Jethro crawled out from what was left of my car.

    He said don’t worry I’ve got another vehicle for you. Apparently when he robbed the UPS Truck since it didn’t have much in it he took the truck too and repainted it pea green. So he gives me the keys and says “you can drive that”.

    So now I’m forced to drive around in some pinchy UPS truck. I wonder if they’ll recognize it.

    This week’s shaving brainbuster concerns those razors that were going to Dallas. Some were custom razors marked Zowadee or something like that. I now have about 20 of them. What do I need to do to hone them up? Do they need any special techniques? Also I had some marked Zippers or Zeepekes or something like that? What should I do with those?

    Check back for the bearish answers on Friday.

    Jethro says if any of you come around trying to do some pranks on Halloween you better not or he'll be taking you to the taxidermist.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    No special techniques for honing Zowada razors unless they are Damascus razors in which case you want to tape their spines. Same applies if they are full or nearly full wedges. You don't necessarily have to tape the spines but if you don't you'll have unsightly honewear.

    As to the Zippers and Zeepks of this world: use those to carve pumpkins, for target practice and any other job that can be done with a blunt razor.

    Here's how Tim Zowada recommends you hone his razors:
    Last edited by Kees; 11-01-2009 at 03:02 PM.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    See, now that's what I'm talking about. Once again Mr Kees is right there with a great answer. We'll see if its the ultimate answer on Friday.

    Now the rest of you slackers and dullards lets get moving here. How do you expect to win that brush with no responses?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Step up Mr Kees and take a bow. You won a gold star this week.

    You know I was just talking to the General (he's been following this you know since he's the tie breaker). He says that Kees fellow must be pretty smart. He says he can almost see that brush in Kees shave den right now.

    He said the rest of that bunch must be chasing after Baaaby and he don't cotton much to those kind. I told him not to prejudice himself.

    So stay tuned to next weeks installment in the amazing adventures of the Shaving Brainbuster.

    I understand Navajo Joe has been sighted in the area.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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