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  1. #1
    Razor honing maniac turbine712's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    On the beautiful St. Croix river
    Thanked: 51

    Default what would ladies like for scales

    Hello Ladies,
    I have been on this board for a short while and was wondering what would women like to see in a razor?
    1. Type of blade, wedge, hollow,etc.
    2. Length of cutting surface. I have looked around and noticed that 2"-2.5", would shorter be better? Also blade height 4/8-5/8-6/8??
    3. What would you like in the area of scales? Designs, inlays, colors.

    I am in the process of looking at razors and scales from a woman perspective and would like a bit og feedback.

    turbine712 aka Bill W
    Last edited by turbine712; 08-18-2009 at 01:36 PM. Reason: spelling

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