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  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default Thebigspendur's Weekly Shaving Brainbuster #22

    Good Morning shaving fiends

    I was kind of worried how I’m going to tell Navajo Joe about what happened to Billy Bob and the fact it wasn’t Billy Bob. Just then my worst fears come rolling up the driveway. It Was Navajo Joe and about 30 of his friends. They were all dressed up in war paint and heavily armed with just about everything. I figured heck they found out and this is the end.

    Joe explained he knew all about that clone. He suspected as such because they had kept seeing him around the chicken coop all the time trying to talk to the chickens so they knew something was wrong. He said they had organized a raiding party and attacked that facility and razed it to the ground and recaptured Billy Bob just that this time it was the real Billy Bob. They had him on the reservation and had made him the big chief. Joe said he wanted to scalp that guy they called Vice president but he had no hair and its bad luck to scalp someone without any hair. He said to stop by the reservation in a couple of days. He had a surprise to show me.

    I had to go into town to do some errands and figured I better stop by the clan’s ranch to tell them what happened. As I got out of the UPS Truck I notice Baaaby wandering around. Her face was all cut up. When I found Festus I asked him what happened to her. He started laughing. He said he joined this web site called SRP and registered to get a trial Japanese razor and tried it on Baaby. He said boy that’s a sharp razor. The guy who honed that must be a honing genius (har-har). I said he ‘s going to be plenty mad when he finds out what you did with it. He said that’s nothing. I trapped a bunch of skunks and it was ideal to skin them and clean them. Besides I have to pass it on to someone else next week.

    Jethro was around the corner working on this fancy shaving brush he was going to send out to someone. He said the final touch to get it to lather up really great was to treat it with skunk spray. I told him I wouldn’t shave with that, it wreaks. He said, those city folks don’t know what a skunk smells like anyway I’ll just tell em it’s a super secret treatment.

    I went out back to the forge and Cletus was working on his newest project. Apparently Navajo Joe had him making all the armaments for the tribe. I said what are they going to do with all this stuff? He said I don’t know but they asked me to stop by the reservation. They had a surprise for me.

    I had to stop by Sue’s House of the dead, the new one now called Sue’s resurrected House of the Dead. I picked up a nice 7 day set of Damascus Razors made by Bertrum. They had some microchips in them and some of the Damascus pattern was worn off from honing but it was a good haul and worth the five bucks I paid for them. Sue said Joe had been in the other day and bought all the old Geronimo novels she had. He invited her to come to the reservation. He had a surprise for her.

    I stopped by the Sheriff’s office to say Hi to Deputy Buttkiss and he said Navajo Joe had stopped in. Apparently, he went to the gun store and cleaned them out of all the guns and ammo they had. He said Joe told him to come over to the reservation. He had a surprise for him.

    So this week’s shaving brainbuster will require you to tell me what hone I should use to get the micro chips off those razors and how I can repair the Damascus pattern on the razors. Also, the Celluloid Scales are dull how can I get them looking new again? Finally, what do you think the surprise on the reservation is????

    As a special turkey prize Festus has donated a free shave related mystery gift for the 9th person who supplies the correct answer to the first 3 questions. (We picked 9 because that’s as high as Festus can count)

    Check back on Friday for the aboriginal answers and to find out who the turkey is har-har.

    I understand people have been seeing the tribe collecting an awful lot of firewood.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Honing the micro-chips out: use a coarser grit hone, say 1K. Tape the spine as you do not more hone wear on your precious razors. Stay on the 1 K till you can no longer see any chips, then continue as Zowada recommends here:

    For gettng the Damascus pattern back follow these guidelines: damascus etching intructions


    If celluloid is damaged mechanically you can polish it with lots of stuff: diamond paste or coticule slurry. You can also follow the guidelines in the 2nd post of this thread: Celluloid Polishing/Clean-up

    One caveat: if the celluloid smells of vinager: bin the scales as it only gets worse and the vapors will corrode the razor's steel.

    As to the Indian surprise: I feel you should not go to the reservation. Apparently Navajo Joe bought a lot af guns and ammo. As he has a very volatile character I think you better steer clear of him. You don't wanna know what he is up to. Especially as his tribe is collecting wood for a huge bonfire. You might end up being consumed by the flames. Though he may of course just want to eradicate the entire badger population of his reservation and start a business in shaving brushes but I would not risk visiting him.
    Last edited by Kees; 11-23-2009 at 12:58 PM.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Once again Mr Kees made monkeys of all the rest of you. However since there was no 9th response there is no prize.

    Check back next week for more developments.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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