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Thread: Review Forum

  1. #1
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    Default Review Forum

    As a user, I am extremely appreciative of the feedback offered in the review forum. I think that the notion of getting a preview of the performance of a product is excellent. I would like to thank the people that have set up maintained and contributors that have filled this forum with excellent reviews for all of us.

    Lately, I have been saddened and somewhat disturbed by some threads in this forum, one of which, has even required intervention from the moderator team. This is probably my personal view and not necessarily shared by most but I felt that I had to say something about it. Before I start, I would like to say that the following comments are not personal in nature and are not intended to single particular individuals out. On the other hand, I must say that I do not appreciate the way that some members have chosen to express their opinion. I do also believe that we are all entitled to express our opinion but this should be done in a positive way to achieve the best results for the entire community. Please do not take me wrong, we have all posted something that is not completely appropriate ;-).

    Words like yuck, rancid and crap are not precise enough to help others understand the reasons why a reviewer is dissatisfied with a particular product. Also, using a defensive stand against legitimate comments, regardless of how inappropriate the language used in the preceding post may have been, is simply not the best way to make a point. These both tend to derail the focus of the thread rather than bringing it to a positive outcome.

    In addition, excessive editorial commenting and reviewer bias, personalized exchange between 2 or more users, comments unrelated to the product being reviewed and comments that are not followed by ratings, simply detract from the usefulness of this magnificent resource.

    We have excellent guidelines (see below) for posting reviews in this forum and I believe that comments following the original review should also follow them. More importantly, before hitting the "submit button", read the post again to make sure that you would be satisfied with it years from the date of submission. Do not let your feelings at the moment affect your judgment, some times it is better to wait a while before posting. We have the power to revert this tendency and make this forum more informative for all ;-).

    Al raz.
    Last edited by Alraz; 12-01-2009 at 04:27 AM.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Alraz For This Useful Post:

    DistortedPenguin (12-01-2009), JimmyHAD (12-01-2009), LarryAndro (12-03-2009)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    While SRP is my favorite and 'best' forum the practice some other forums use of having comments on reviewed items be in a thread linked to, but separate from, the original review leaves less clutter and keeps the review forum pure ,as it were, for actual reviews with ratings. For example, if you would like to comment on my review of (name of product) see this thread here (link).

    As for language, maybe it is a generational thing. I was a street kid, an ironworker for twenty years and a tattoo artist in street shops for the last twenty and I still watch my language in mixed company. Different world out there today where for male and female the F word is akin to saying if, and or but.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #3
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    If the recent event you are referring to is from last week then I certainly understand. In fact it was partly my fault. I believe that sometimes with message boards the lack of voice inflection and body language lead people to misinterpret the statements of others. As well there are some that feel that their number of posts elevate them to lofty positions. And of course there are times when people become downright hateful when their favorite product is looked at in a negative light.

    I myself used the words “acetone and paint thinner” to describe what both my wife and I thought of a particular product. A product that is used by my own father-in-law and my wife and I tested. I might as well have dropped the “N Bomb” while talking about Barack Obama. Instant vilification and talked to as if I was literally an uneducated troll. But at the same I also believe that because of the aforementioned reasons in the first paragraph I let my emotions and ego get the best of me as it did the others involved. My feathers were ruffled and with the numerous individuals sending me private messages and posting comments pointing out the fact that my opinion was that of degenerate trailer trash who knew of nothing better than say… Wal-Mart brand aftershave I grew ill. It took me a day to let the issue go because others wouldn’t stop the hateful messages, and it took days for some to leave me alone about it.

    I sent a moderator an email asking him to remove the entire context of the posts between myself, others, and actually him (the moderator) as it was destroying the review, and it was a great review. I never heard back from him but two days later another moderator did make the corrections. As well I have since sent two separate apologies to this moderator, just him not the others, I have yet to hear from him on this as well. I even wished the dear fellow a happy birthday, still no reply.

    I accepted the fact that I blew things out of proportion, and blow them out of proportion I did. I just wish others would not only admit the same but stop persecuting and belittling those who disagree.

  5. #4
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    Another note on this. Words like "crap" shouldn't be used as it lacks true discription. Posters should choose their words more carefully or at least expanded upon them.

  6. #5
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alraz View Post
    Do not let your feelings at the moment affect your judgment, some times it is better to wait a while before posting. We have the power to revert this tendency and make this forum more informative for all
    That is great advice, Al
    Quote Originally Posted by DistortedPenguin View Post
    I even wished the dear fellow a happy birthday, still no reply.
    Maybe he was overcome with emotion and could not reply
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    That is great advice, Al

    Maybe he was overcome with emotion and could not reply
    Yeah funny... about like your other post to giving back to our troops. Your a regular riot fella'.

  8. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The review system is what it is and as much as we try and make it as idiot proof as possible and try to encourage members to write good reviews the simple fact is many don't. Why? I don't know. Maybe some don't like to write, maybe some have agenda's when they do a review, maybe some just don't care. So the mods keep tweaking things and on occasions we get involved. That's just the way it is. Is there a solution? If someone comes up with one let us know.
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  9. #8
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DistortedPenguin View Post
    Yeah funny... about like your other post to giving back to our troops. Your a regular riot fella'.
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  10. #9
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Well Distorted Penguin, I missed this review you speak of but I can certainly relate to what you are saying.

    There is something about the way I word things that I constantly get misunderstood on forums. I'm generally a really nice guy that gives everyone and everything a fair chance but sometimes someone reads what I think is an evenhanded comment and responds defensively.

    I've not yet found a way around it, I just keep posting knowing eventually I will get moderated and have to just get over it and move on to the next post.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to TheBaron For This Useful Post:

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  12. #10
    Member Warbler's Avatar
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    I know very little of the issues being talked about here, but I do agree with Distorted Penguin's point about the lack of voice inflection and body language leading to miscommunications and misunderstandings. I have had that happen to me multiple times on other forums.

    I also understand where TheBaron is coming from. I've had that same problem on other forums. I seem to come off differently than intended. I've been accused of being blunt and coarse and obtuse on other forums. I'm going to try my best not to come off that way here.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Warbler For This Useful Post:

    DistortedPenguin (12-01-2009)

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