View Poll Results: Why did you start shaving with a straight?

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  • It's how my dad/uncle/grandfather taught me to shave

    1 2.17%
  • Cheaper than a disposable

    8 17.39%
  • It's cool!

    23 50.00%
  • Environmentally sound

    12 26.09%
  • I like sharp things

    13 28.26%
  • It's the only way to shave

    16 34.78%
  • Better at waking you up than a cup of coffee and cheaper, too

    3 6.52%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. #1
    Senior Member mgraepel's Avatar
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    Default Why did you start shaving with a straight?

    I'm seeing some interesting demographics in the recent polls and thought I might as well post one of my own. Personally I have a few different reasons for shaving with a straight razor. First off, I think it's ecologically sound (no I'm not a damned hippie). Secondly, it seems to be considerably more cost-effective in the long run assuming you don't go hog wild on collecting razors. I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this and if I don't have your reason in the poll, please post a response with your particular desire for this method of shaving.

  2. #2
    Shave ready wopmanfixit's Avatar
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    One day I was looking at my great grandfathers str8 that I keep in a display with his hone/strop (a hone in a wooden box with a piece of leather attached to the top) and started wondering how it would be. Once I found SRP and the proper way to do it I was hooked. The only reason I've heard from my friends and relatives for not str8 shaving is fear of cutting them selves. I tell them "yes, there is a learning curve, but once you get it down it's no more difficult than using a M3." The

  3. #3
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    I put down "Environmentally sound", but I'm not sure that's really the right reason. It's much more complicated than that.

    1) I hate the idea of paying for something that's worthless. Disposable razors are all bound for the trash no matter how much you take care of them. Essentially, you're buying garbage. I don't call them disposable, I call them "trash razors" or "Garbage Razors". In fact, I'm trying to get into the habit of refering to str8s simply as "razors", because before Gillette came along, you never NEEDED to differentiate.

    2) I hate being sold something to solve a non-existent problem. A disposable can't shave me any better or more safely than a straight, but constant advertising and marketing has convinced almost ALL the men on this planet that these high tech looking peices of plastic are better suited to the task than a real razor. Don't let "THE MAN" tell you how to shave!

    3) A razor is something that was hand crafted by a skilled human, not extruded out by the ton by some machine. There was a craftsman who could take pride in his work.

    4) When you get right down to it, most rational, thoughtful people don't mind paying for quality. Sure, you can get crap by the ton at Walmart for almost nothing, but 99% of it is stuff you really don't need, and it'll be in your next garage sale or in the Goodwill bin by next summer.

    There's my reasons, at least, some of 'em. I'm sure I'll think of more.

  4. #4
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    The first str8 razor shave hooked me for life. Smooth close really nice. Can't believe so many guys are afaid of it.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Besides getting the best possible shave its just a really neat routine, a pampering experience of which there are few acceptable for men.

    It also makes a statement in our disposable, instant gratification and everything comes easy society. Its like playing music from vinyl not C/Ds or driving a car with a stick or shooting with black powder.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    I shave with a straight razor for the same reason I smoke: to look cool.

  7. #7
    Senior Member marciaga's Avatar
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    The straight razor deity came to me in a dream. Nah. My barber influenced me.

  8. #8
    Senior Member mgraepel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    It also makes a statement in our disposable, instant gratification and everything comes easy society. Its like playing music from vinyl not C/Ds or driving a car with a stick or shooting with black powder.
    I hear that, brother. It's the same reason I'm getting into dip pens and pocket watches.

  9. #9
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    to recall something i've read somewhere: "i shave with a SR to free me from regular payments to the Gilette company" or to that effect. it ain't the best contraption ever made to what it does (tho the ads used to convince me) , they're overpriced, so much so i can't help feel i'm getting ripped off everytime i buy replacements. (seems a lot of men have felt that way too.)
    i like acquiring skills too and you definitely will to effectively use a SR.

    and hey, the environmental factor and saved money is a nice bonus too =)

  10. #10
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    Basically, my beard was too powerful for the M3 (didn't feel anywhere near smooth after a shave) and I dont like shaving every day so it kept clogging up, and I hated shaving with it anyway. And it was too expensive and... need I go on?

    With the straight I get a almost-smooth shave (Im a newbie so I just need to finish refining my technique) and its a hell of a lot more interesting. Plus I think my mates have a sort of newfound respect for me after I changed to the straight. My girlfriend thinks im mental though.

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