I had mentioned this in last nights chat and figured, why not here too.

Growing up I must have watched the movie "The Dirty Dozen" hundreds of times. There is a scene where the men are punished by being told they will no longer get hot water for shaving and all the men complained about it. A few scenes later the men all look scruffy.

I never understood when watching that movie what the big punishment was. Sure I used hot water for shaving, but cold water (with a mach3), eh, not that big a deal.

It wasn't till I started straight shaving (and paying attention to my shaving practices/comfort) that I understood why the characters in the movie all complained about the shaving punishment.

Does anyone else find that they have a similar shift of perspective now that they straight shave? Maybe a moment where a light goes of and you say "ah I get it now"?

(can you tell by this post that I'm bored at work?)