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  1. #1
    Senior Member robertlampo's Avatar
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    Smile Str8 shaving, an elite fraternity????

    Fellas, I'm new to all this but I'm enjoying my new hobby. I think this is an art form and the fact that I'm constantly learning and trying new techniques and products makes it fun. I feel as if I'm a part of an elite fraternity. I'm glad there are men out there who enjoy this like me.

    With women, this hobby brings a whole new dynamic and opinions. Just the other day on a first date, somehow the topic of shaving was broached. I, being proud of my new grooming methods, mentioned the str8 razor. I was met with an almost indignant response and a scornful look. You guys know the scornful look. To her, shaving in this manner was archaic, dangerous, and unnecessary.

    Gentlemen, I tried to prove a point to her with the following argument (can JerseyLawyer help here? come on counselor!!): Isn't a bikini wax archaic? Getting the hairs "down there" ripped out, by another person I might add, is barbaric and too close for comfort, in my opinion. We, as men like the results of that particular wax just as a woman likes a well-shaved man. Do we act as indignantly towards women with their waxing, manicures, pedicures, facials, exfoliations, shoe-shopping, etc, etc, etc?

    Thanks for hearing my BS. That was cathartic for me!

    Let me know of some of the reactions you guys get when you tell someone that you shave with a str8 or that you collect them or refurbish them.

    Happy New Year guys.

    My thoughts and prayers are with Ray. I'm so glad that we had a very enjoyable half hour on the phone together. -Rob

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    So I'm guessing there won't be a second date?


  3. #3
    Senior Member robertlampo's Avatar
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    No, we had dinner and drinks at a cool SoHo restaurant and chatted for five hours, but in her words, "there wasn't enough chemistry!"

    It took her five hours to figure that out.


  4. #4
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Well since were on the subject. LOL, never let a first date go that long again. Always walk away very early. Make her wonder why you don't like her. Your right about bikini waxing, but look at it this way, whatever she wants to do is great for her, and probably better for you too. Reactions? Most guys think I'm nuts, no matter what excuse I give them. Best shave, don't need to buy blades, coolest thing in the world. Nothing ever works. Most just look at me like I'm totally nuts. I've found the kooky things I do should be reserved for friends and second dates. . . lol.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    I figured it out after 30 seconds of reading your post!

    Best of luck on future dates.


  6. #6
    Senior Member threeputt's Avatar
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    I usually get one of two responses when someone finds out I use a str8. 1) "Really? COOL!" --> Those are the guys who may end up with us. And 2) An incredulous "Why?" --> I don't even bother trying to answer that question any more. If they feel the need to ask why, then they wouldn't get it anyway. .....Jeff

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well a fraternity yes, elite I don't know more like a group of guys that appreciate the way things were done in the past maybe and have an appreciation for tradition?

    I really don't try and explain it to "regular" people, they wouldn't understand anyway. Kind of like why I carry a pocketwatch or drive a car with a manual transmission.

    Either you get it or you don't.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  8. #8
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Forget dating, save money and spend it on a another razor!
    Lasts forever, always there when you want it and NEVER! talks back.

    Welcome to the group,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  9. #9
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    And ....

    Can be put away or resold without getting arrested for it, will take abuse longer and cannot leave you for another when you arrive with another "specimen"!

  10. #10
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Women usually don't get past the gleaming blade (or its visualization). It tends to shock them. It might not if they thought in terms of a professional barber doing it. That's probably why the waxing is OK for them. I would save that discussion for a time when you know someone better. I don't think it's a meaningful measure of another person, but it can present an immediate stumbling block if it produces a conflict or a misunderstanding of who you are.

    As for us being an elite group, that doesn't appeal to me. If we really want to promote str8 shaving we should concentrate on how every man who shaved did it at one time and how they all could do it now.

    There are also non-threatening ways of presenting str8 shaving to those unfamiliar with it. One would be the artistic nature of antique razors (or even some of the modern ones). Another would be the mystique of the historical link to the past. Here you are using this device in the same intimate way that another man did a century ago. How often do you get to do that in modern life? A third way would be the lost pleasure and peacefulneess this kind of a shave brings and the ability to take care of the razor entirely on you own.

    You can see I've practiced for a while.

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