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  1. #1
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    Default What phase are you in ??

    Okay, we all seem to go through different phases with straight razor shaving (and likely many other hobbies) and I was curious your stories and where you are at this point.

    My serious start (not the 5 years I dabbled with no direction) was finding the SRP forum and making a call to Classic Shaving. I wanted a decent razor but wanted to start cheap, just in case. I got a basic Dovo, a skinny strop and a cheap brush. Two successful months later I added a second, larger Dovo and sold the small one. I was hooked.

    Then came the acquisition phase <g>, evey half decent, less than $15 ebay special had to be obtained. I needed them all! Some were great, some were horrible. This continued for months. After a while I realized I was only using the newer Dovo and slowed down on ebay. I bought a few other, new razors and sold many of the old ones. I found myself using a complete rotation now, 5 or 6 razors that all shaved well.

    Then I bought a TI. Bad move. I liked it better even though it was one of the sub-$100 pieces. I bought another, slightly used and much better than the first. Next thing I know other nice razors were being sold to buy newer TI pieces.

    I now own less razors than before and am using each much more often now. I still use my first cheap Burma Shave brush almost every day even though I have a few really nice ones. I guess I am now at the point where fewer, really nice examples, users too, not just collectables are what I want. Each must be justified instead of randomly grabbed. I set certain guidle lines for what I will buy and what I will pass on. I almost always stick to it <g>.

    So, where are you at? Same phases as I did or did you start with the best? Maybe you started with bargains and stayed there the whole time?

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  2. #2
    Senior Member dawill's Avatar
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    "Hi, my name is Derek and I'm a razor-holic...."

    Well, I've gotten as far as the acquisition phase and I'm still picking up the sub-$15 eBay specials. I feel soon enough I will definitely be moving to the "cream of the crop" rotation, but for now, I'm enjoying the intrigue of restoration and some of the eBay lots have promise, or at least it gives me some practice for the time when I come across a really nice one I want to keep for a while.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    You left out the "I want is all and I want it now" stage. Razors, soaps, creams, brushes, strops, fragrances...when will the madness stop??? I've got a few ebay specials to work on, and thanks to my wonderful woman who provided a Dremel and David Ellis' DVD for Christmas, I now have a bit of guidance. I'll pm you about a brush you'll want to try, based on your preferences, I think you'll love it, and it won't bankrupt you, either!


  4. #4
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    I have gone through a few phase so far. After my initial purchase, I started to look for the must have classics on eBay and did that. I went through a phase where I thought I would only use 7/8 or larger razors but i'm over that now. I really like buying a few then selling a few. It's really fun for me to do that; especially if I make them better than when I bought them. I am a little nervous about going through a brush phase. Man can they get expensive.

    I am working on something that should be very exciting for some of the members here. Ill let you all know if it comes together.

  5. #5
    Senior Member robertlampo's Avatar
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    Red face

    Tony, I have Ray Dupont and yourself to thank for introducing me to and furthering my knowledge of this almost-lost art.

    The "how do I use these things?" phase:

    Ray started me off with some great tools around Thanksgiving which I'm still learning to master as time goes on. As I've mentioned here in the forums (probably ad nauseam), I started with a Feather, a Vulfix super badger, and Classic mug/soap/aftershave which I couldn't be happier with.

    The curiosity and still the "how do I use these things?" phase)

    My curiosity and interest in staight shaving has put me in the curiosity/acquisition phase - I will temper this curiosity as I'm looking to make a real estate investment this year. I've spoken to Tony regarding the puchase of a conventional straight and his very practical 4-sided paddle and hanging strops.

    I'm starting to appreciate the beauty (thanks to the great pics here at SRP), and functionality, of a straight razor - the smoothness of the handle; the gleam of the blade; the curves of the blade. They're like women I guess - curvy, sharp, sometimes unpredictable, sometimes dangerous, can cut you deeply, but always a pleasure to get close to.

    I think I'll be an avid collector eventually (of razors, that is; still looking for that one special lady).


  6. #6
    Senior Member Kelly's Avatar
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    I'm in the "why arent there more options?" phase

    When I first purchased my DOVO, I had a nice selection of razors to choose from, and didnt know which way to turn
    Puma's were an option, and honestally I've never cared for Puma knives...Needless to say I wish to hell I had purchased a Puma

    Case were also being offered, and even they are drawing some good money on ebay now days.

    Henckles were offered at that time as well... lord only knows why I went with DOVO... You guys failed a newbie in his most dire time of need

    Today, I'm in two "phases" at once... and cant really afford or practice either... one is the "get the razor you should have got in the first place" phase where I'm looking into some of the brands that were available back in the day. The other is the "hey here's a neat hobby" phase where I'm wanting to exercise some creative ambition in re-working some cheapo's. I wont call it "restoration" because that implies bringing it back to it's original condition..

    I havent yet been bitten by the "I have to have this and that and some of those and one of these" bug.


  7. #7
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    Wow, great replies so far.

    The eBay special phase is important,especially if you use them to learn to sharpen. A day will come when one of the classics (the "fine lady" Robert Lampo speaks of) comes along and will need a little work. ThateBay special will give you the background you need to rescue the find you were waiting for. The eBay specials also serve to help you find where you are headed. Your will either love working with them or decide it is all about the shave for you instead and now know to head directly for the TI and Dovo pages at Classic Shaving or KnifeCenter instead of chasing a bunch of "maybe" performers.

    Owning a few classics is nice and the search is part of it. Everyone should have a good Dovo. I am keeping one of the tortoise handle Specials simply because of how nice they look. You have to own a Filarmonica as well if for no other reason than the unusual Spanish origin. It's the only razor I know of from that country and the hit the nail right on the head with their first try!
    At least one TI belongs in anyones line up and probably some kind of English meat chopper from Sheffield steel.

    And yes, the addiction spreads to other things as for another thread I think.

    I do look forward to seeing more about this. It's fun to see where we all are in this.

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  8. #8
    Library Marksmanship Unit Library Guy's Avatar
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    Default Pretty Frugal

    I'm pretty frugal and have not invested much money in shaving. But I still have loads of fun.

    I own three razors. The most expensive is a Henckel's 5/8 Friodur which I think I paid about $100 for new fifteen years ago. Thanks to Lynn (thanks Lynn!) it shaves very very well- but no better than my cheap Crabtree & Evelyn or the Hen and Rooster I purchased from Tony.

    I have a hack-scarred Dovo strop with automobile polish on the linen side.

    I used a boar bristle brush and thought it was just fine. It was certainly better than the paint brush I started with (learned that from the Three Stooges). For years my tightwad heart cried "I don't need no stinkin' badgers"

    Then for Christmas my wife gave me a best badger. Wow! I love it. Who would have thought it?

    Williams shaving soap works just fine.

    Someday, I'd like a scuttle. Maybe a new strop.

    Sure, my pulse quickens at the sight of a fancy razor. But I don't think I could shave any better with one. Especially if it was so costly that it made my hand shake. It's really all about the nanometer of steel that comes in contact with the skin.

    I remain a cheapskate.

    Library Guy

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Library Guy,

    Which Badger?


  10. #10
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I think you are right. The only one I am missing is the TI haven't found one on ebay yet. I got every other one there except for my first Dovo which my wife bought me for Christmas last year.

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