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    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default Thebigspendurs Weekly Shaving Brainbuster #32

    Good morning shaving fiends.

    Well, we’ve been driving for days now but we’re finally getting close to the U.S Border at Blaine, Washington.

    We saw this sign for free tours of this nuclear power plant and the clan wanted to take the tour since it would be very educa…, educatti…,eduucach…, heck, you know what I mean. Those folks were so nice they even allowed the goat in but the horse and the chimps had to stay in the truck. Somehow we got separated from Festus and the goat. Apparently he was looking for the cafeteria and when some guy went out of the control room he just followed him through the locked 3 foot thick door with the red light on it. I guess they wandered around a while and baaby got tangled in these poles sticking up from what Festus said was a swimming pool with a strange glow it. Baaby fell in and Festus had to pull her out. I guess when Festus tried to pull Baaby out and dry her with some towels he found some of those poles came out and he didn’t know what to do because it didn’t look right so he pulled them all out so they would look even. After the tour we sat around eating lunch. Jethro and Mr Sasquatch went over to this pond and Mr Sasquatch started throwing trees into the pond and Jethro started throwing rocks until it just clogged up some pipe sticking out of the pond.

    We were all saddled up and ready to leave when all of a sudden all these alarms start going off and we see all these people running out of there. I stopped one of them and asked what‘s going on. He said the place was hit by terrorists. They pulled out all the control rods and broke them and clogged the pipe from the emergency cooling pond and the plant was going into meltdown.

    We got the hell out of there fast. We could see all kinds of smoke and flames rising up from the plant. We later heard that that whole section of Canada was turned into a no man’s land from all that nuclear radiation.

    We spent the night at some hotel but they had abandoned the place and no one was there. We had a grand old time. Mr Sasquatch and the chimps got into a fight and they tore the grand ballroom up with big holes in the walls and the chandeliers pulled down and they used the fire hoses to chase each other around soaking the whole place. Festus went into the kitchen and started cooking up some, heck I don’t know what he was doing but he started a fire and burned the whole kitchen and cafeteria building down.

    Baaby and the horse were running up and down the hallways all night carrying on. We never did get any sleep. You all know about horses and goats don’t you?

    In the morning we left there and as we approached the U.S border…

    The shaving brainbuster for this week concerns some items Festus took from the motel. He took some cans of shaving cream but he doesn’t know if he can use them to shave with his straight and he also took some sharpening steels from the kitchen and was wondering if he could use them to sharpen his straights.

    Check back on Friday for the International answers.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    well, no answers eh? Oh well none from me either.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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