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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Dear Mr Josh:

    This is in reference to the motion to reconsider you filed this date in the instant case of the alleged supernatural razor which caused the demise of the decedent Homer La Fong.

    You imply in your brief you meant faith to be taken in a more general manner and the judge in the original case misunderstood your true meaning.

    You allege one can't know whether the razor is actually haunted or not however the record in the case at bar clearly indicates the razor was observed causing the death of La Fong both at his residence and evidence left at the scene at the prison where La Fong's wife was dispatched from this Earth clearly demonstrates the issue of being haunted is not in contention.

    Your assertion concerning having faith contains defective reasoning. If you mean having faith in oneself and your abilities to overcome some difficulty that is true. However, having faith in matters of the occult is folly owing to the whimsical and unpredictable nature of the forces controlling a world we know nothing of. There is no trusting in such a blade. The fact it is perennially sharp is a given. One can't use logical reasoning to know this. Your use of trust implies you are not sure of its sharpness therefore your faith is of little help the same as when an individual makes a leap of faith knowing the probability of success is zero and succumbs to his lack of faith.

    Therefore having taken your motion into consideration it is the judgement of this court that the original decision is reaffirmed.

    The honorable
    General Beauregard,moo

    Nice try though!
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #12
    Straight Shaver ChrisK's Avatar
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    Hone the supernatural razor on a supernatural stone?

  3. #13
    you will be assimilated blockhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisK View Post
    Hone the supernatural razor on a supernatural stone?
    While listening to Santana?

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