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  1. #1
    Junior Member diablonyc2's Avatar
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    Default Newbie Questions and Introduction

    Hello all,

    I am new to the group (started with joining the Yahoo group). My name is John and I live in NY. My Fiance got me an Art of Shaving package with shaving cream and brush and lotions -- but no razor. It worked great on my skin -- but I always had a tough beard. For YEARS I have been itching to try straight edge (ever since I had a prof shave). Now I think it is the right time.

    What I gatherd so far is:

    - If you are going to Hone -- get a cheap razor on Ebay to practice with
    - Honing stones and strops are $$
    - WOW there are alot of Straight Razors out there
    - Art of Shaving has good products at over the top prices.
    - If my fiance sees me spending alot of $$ on this stuff before our wedding -- she will use the razor on me! lol

    So -- I have a few GENERAL Newbie questions:
    - I saw the Pearl Dovo on Classic Shaving and fell in love. Does it come sharpened? If not -- does anyone know of a Honing service in NYC (Brooklyn or Manhatten?)
    - If it is honed -- and I get a Strop -- how long until I need to Hone it again?
    - Does anyone know if there are good Razor Stores in NY?
    - Does anyone have a favorite Strop/Shaving cream?

    Sorry -- just eager to get going with this.

    Cheers to all!


  2. #2
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    Welcome to the group John.

    Most new razors are not shave ready. ClassicShaving does have a honing service available, namely Lynn Abrams the founder of this group.

    You must have a strop. Strop before each and every shave. Tony Miller (heirphoto) on this board makes strops and everyone has given them rave reviews.

    How long between honings? Well, that depends. You can buy a second strop and apply an abrasive paste to it. You can use this strop when the razor starts to pull a little, and should be able to polish the edge back to shaving sharp. I use boron carbide & chromium oxide (2 different strops) from Keith at HandAmerican. I have 5 razors in my rotation. They have all been honed once, about 15 months ago. The pastes can go a long way in keeping a razor sharp. Tony has some strops just for pastes as well.

    So far as favorite shaving creams... Vulfix Sandalwood is nice and creamy. I'm about to start a tub of Taylor of Old Bond Street. The 3 T's (Trumers, Taylor, Truefitt & Hill) are all high-quality stuff.

  3. #3
    Junior Member diablonyc2's Avatar
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    Thanks sensei_kyle!

    So -- I can hold off on honing for a while -- great to hear. I wonder if Classic will send my razor directly to Lynn (when i order it)? If you are going to make an investment -- have it done right.

    I read about the 3Ts -- I dont even know what sandlewood smalls like -- though I see it is popular. lol

    My current shaving ritual is

    Art of Shave Preshave oil (wow scented olive oil for the face--it does a good job)

    Art of Shave Shaving cream (with badger brush--lavender scent)

    Mach 3 blade -- If my razor bumps have an enemy -- it this this guy

    Art of shave after shave balm.

    Lets see how I fare in a month (provided I have time to practice with a real blade).

  4. #4
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Welcome. As a fellow NY'er let me just say you are right the Art of the Shave is nice but definetly pricey!!!!!! My wife got me my first razor there. I have gotten the rest of my razors on ebay. I like the extra wide strop from classic shaving much easier to use. A good pickup for you at sometime will be a Norton 4000/8000 hone also at classic shaving. I do all of my purchases either on ebay or from Classicshaving. If you want a treat get yourself some Cremo Cream. It smells like a Pina Colada on your face. (That is if you like the small of a Pina Colada) This is a blast enjoy and welcome.

    PS Sandalwood smells great too.

  5. #5
    Junior Member diablonyc2's Avatar
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    Thanks RichZ!

    Pina Colata on my face -- sounds good right now since we are due for a snow storm. Classic seems like "THE" store for everything. Now--do they have a Johnnie Walker scented Shaving cream! lol

    The Art of Shaving is near my job--and I was tempted to go for a Royal Shave in Las Vegas' store.

    While I am still deciding on my "tools of the trade" -- Do you know of any good barbers that shave in NYC?

  6. #6
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Yeah The art of Shave is near me too I work at 42nd and Park. I walk there every now and then to look at the goodies.

    Yes Classic pretty much has most things you will need and they are more reasonably priced and genuinly pretty nice to deal with.

    Scotch scented cream now there's a thought.

    The only guy I have ever gone to for a shave is out in Queens and they use a shavette. Laws about blades and aids I guess. I must admit that what got me hooked on this stuff. It felt great and didn't have to use the mock3 for 2 days.

  7. #7
    Senior Member str8rzrshvr's Avatar
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    Default Yes, Diablo

    Classicshaving will send your razor to Lynn for sharpening. However, you'll have to order that service when you place your order. If you do order the sharpening service, keep in mind that you'll have to place that order separately ($20.00). It will tell you that when you click the sharpening service icon/link. Once you order the razor and the sharpening service, your razor will go directly to Lynn for a proper honing. Lynn will send it to you once he's finished honing it.

    Welcome and happy shaving!!


  8. #8
    Senior Member monte6177's Avatar
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    Welcome, do not forget to do very+++ good prep. I have a tough beard and need to do near perfect technique and have a SHARP razor when shaving to get it BBSmooth. My 1st really sharp razor came from a member of the Yahoo Group (David Uthe). Mostly I learned from the group and adjusted to my own needs. This really is a science and an art, and very satisfying. If you get an eBay razor try to get it in the same width. You will need a Norton eventually in 4K/8K and another paste/strop or hone with smaller grit. Belgian cotticule from Tony Miller or a 12K or 15K from any source to finish the edge. Fromm's strop dressing from Classic Shaving for the final stropping works as well as any. A cheap way to do the lather is Dove exfoliating soap from your local store. Try the vanilla cake soap from Classic Shaving. The bottom line is it takes a learning curve to get where you want to be. Do not give up!


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