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Thread: Just got Truefitt & Hill Samples
02-22-2006, 12:40 AM #1
Just got Truefitt & Hill Samples
Firstly, i'm amazed how quickly i got them, i emailed them on wed the 15th enquiring about samples and in under a week here they are, amazing.
Of the cologne scents they sent me (6 different) i really like the 1805 and the clubman the most, it's hard to really describe the scents, but i'll give it a try.
the spanish leather and Grafton scents i'd group together as being stronger old style cologne scents, little musky, not really my cup of tea.
The trafalgar is lighter than the above two but still a stronger scent, they describe it as a captivating spicy wood fragrance with notes of cedar and sandlewood. i have a real hard time describing this smell, the more i keep going back and smelling it though the more it seems to grow on me, i dont think it's a scent i could wear most of the days of the week but working it in once and while i think id like it.
The 1805 i like, it's another step down in strength from the trafalgar and it's something i could wear fairly often, i really cant describe the scent at all though, it's like something familar is in there and i just cant put a finger on it.
West indian limes, this is a pretty potent lime smell, to limey for me to ever wear as a cologne but i think id love this in a shaving cream, in fact it will be the first shaving cream of theirs i order.
Clubman cologne, this is a very fresh scent, on the light side and strikes me as soemthing id wear often in the summer. Reminds me a bit of polo's sport cologne, when the weather warms up i think ill also be ordering this cologne.
they also sent my an 1805 shaving cream sample and samples of the ultimate comfort shaving cream and aftershave balm. i havent had a chance to use these yet but i will soon!Last edited by NoMoreMach3; 02-22-2006 at 12:43 AM.
02-22-2006, 06:38 AM #2
I like most of the T&H colognes, however the scents don't seem to last long
02-22-2006, 07:17 AM #3
I have the 1805 and Trafalgar shaving creams in my rotation, and today bought Grafton to add to the collection. The Limes cologne, as a single note, does not have a lot of "staying" power. If you like limes, it's a good cologne. I remember the first time I wore it, thinking on my way to work "damn, I smell good". Within a short time, it had disappeared.
02-22-2006, 03:04 PM #4
i've got a col conk lime shave soap at home, would melting it and adding some of the T&H lime cologne be something worth trying to increase it's fragrance? (if the cake was ruined i wouldnt be too angry and ive already melted it once so that it would fit it's current container snugly)