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Thread: Gonna Buy a New Razor
02-22-2006, 01:06 AM #1
Gonna Buy a New Razor
next month. I've got 3 in mind: the SRP club razor, a Dovo Bismarck, or a Bergischer Lowe (if i can find one). Anyone with experience with these models, please comment on what you like or don't like about the various models. A Dovo Classic Special is pretty, too. I wanna W&B, too. So many cool razors, so little time (and money
02-22-2006, 01:11 AM #2
I thought the BL was a tad light and I got tired of the little plastic shank handle moving around so I cut it off. It shaves nice and is very well made. Hones up really easy too.
02-22-2006, 02:20 AM #3
Of those three, I have SRP #89. If it were a 7/8, it would be my favorite. It's a beautiful razor, well balanced, and shaves like a dream.
02-22-2006, 03:43 AM #4
I have two of them the BL and two SRPs. The BL is a beautiful razor a real work of art and a great shaver though all in all I think the TI SRP is a better quality blade. So it depends whats more important to you beauty or shave quality. You really won't go wrong with either.
No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
02-22-2006, 03:55 AM #5
I notice nobody's speaking up for the Dovo Bismarck. I gotta say, I don't really like the clear handles on it, but I love the blade and shank. I may get the SRP and a DD or W&B if I can find some good ones for sale. I just like a 5/8 or 6/8 the best, and most of the W&Bs I've seen are 7/8.
02-22-2006, 04:08 AM #6
I don't own a Bismark but they are on my list to get at some point. I want the pair, red and black. I mostly own TI razors but have a few Dovos and they shave very well.
TonyThe Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman
02-22-2006, 04:34 AM #7
I have a BL and think it's a fine razor, but requires careful maintenance to preserve it's gold wash. And yes, that little plastic thingy WILL come loose.
02-22-2006, 04:51 AM #8
I'd be tempted to get a Straight Razor Place TI if the scales had been designed a little more creatively. I don't really care for the blonde colour, and the font seems overly large and impulsive.
02-22-2006, 05:32 AM #9
I've only shaved with the SRP TI Special and It's a brilliant shave. I quite liked the scales. Matt finish and light, like the blade so there's good balance.