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Thread: Ok To Be Old

  1. #21
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    Teenagers are put on earth to give us an idea of what a gnat would be like if they were human size. A BIG BUZZING PAIN IN THE BUTT SOME TIMES! Bill I missed the razor fooling around with my son. They have to go watch some TV show called 24 or something so of course we have to establish departure and arrival times and money for some gas and before you know it it is 8:01 and dads razor is gone.

  2. #22
    Senior Member gglockner's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=urleebird]Glen, please don't take offense to what I am going to say. Part of the update to my CD is going to be how and what to bid on for eBay prospects. Glen, your intention is right on the money, but I would not bid on that particular razor for the following reason.

    Look at the hone wear. See how it is thicker in the center of the blade? It's not easily noticed in the grubby picture of the razor. But the barely noticeable telltale wear means the owner of that razor did not know how to hone. He put a belly in the blade that is not going to hone out easily.

    No offense what so ever from me Bill, I am still learning and good that you are still teaching us here. I did notice the bit of belly wear, but also was being optimistic about the shadow creating some of it. You on the other hand knew to look at the spine and see why it was thin in the middle of the edge.

    Thanks for the lesson on Geometry!

  3. #23
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    ...and before you know it it is 8:01 and dads razor is gone
    Ah... but that's why there is

    You can get my CD at:

    Back on the subject of eBay razors. The first thing I look at is the blade. I look for uneven or wide hone wear. I look then for chips or cracks in the blade. Then look to see if the blade has been shortened. Any of these things exist and I will not bid on the razor unless the scales are worth using on another blade. Then I look at the scales. Repinned is ok as long as it is a good job. Look to see if there are any missing pieces of the scales. An easy one to miss, actually, is the entire triangular piece above the pivot pin. If it passes those tests, then I read what the seller has to say... with a grain of salt.

  4. #24
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    Bill I hope you won't take offense to me waiting for the updated CD release before I buy one now that you've let slip there's going to be a newer version available would you? Unless it's like a long way off in which case I'll probably just get one now and another later. Sad to know full well I'm getting deeper into a hobby that is going to end up costing me another if my computers/knives/guns weren't bad enough now I want razors and some REALLY expensive playthings (FFL C3 arms) just gotta convince my boss to sign my form 4. Maybe he'll hook me up since I carry his badge

    "Hello Sheriff, nice to see you again. You got a minute? Yeah...I was wondering if you wouldn't mind signing these for me. Oh they're nothing major...just licenses for the private purchase of an HK MP5SD5 "

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    Let's put this one to bed. You can Either let a razor stay like this...OR...You can let an artist like Bill Ellis turn it into this;

    Any questions?

    Sorry for the double tap guys but I read this thread backwards and had to chime in again to say that's the funniest thing I've heard all night!!! All I can think of are those old commercials with the frying pan...

    This is your brain...this is your brain on Bill Ellis...Any questions?

  6. #26
    Senior Member vladsch's Avatar
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    Glen, every time I get optimistic about photos on e-bay I get stuck with a junker.

    I am now more realistic. I also inquire about shipping costs. Those can be a killer. I was willing to bid on an old W&B, but in one photo it looked unevenly ground but the starting bid was only $0.59. I inquired about S&H and it was $13.50. I was willing to pay up to $15 for the blade and $5 for shipping, by slow donkey is fine by me. I passed it up because of suspicions and high shipping cost. Others have quoted as high as $18, on a $15 item $18 shipping is way too much.

    Here are the photos that made me believe the blade was ground (butchered) to remove rust and pitting:

    How can I be certain? I've seen similar reflection on a roughly ground blade that I butchered, except I did not try to sell it on e-bay.

    On this photo it looks ok but only because there is no light reflecting off the blade.

  7. #27
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    I think you did a good thing by passing that one up. Looks to me that the spine is uneven. You probly couldn't even get a good bevel on that blade.


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