So, I go out to my gym the other night to work out. Guys like to shave afterward, before they go out I guess. I've tried it, even with my straight. The water is really nice and hot. I watched a guy using a Mach 3. I've never used a Mach 3 so it was a new experience for me. Anyway, the guy is flying the razor over his face, fast. Really, really fast. In the span on one minute he must have done, maybe 400 strokes. I'm not kidding. Lather is flying everywhere. A jack hammer would move slower. Occasionally, he relathers inbetween say, pass 300 and pass 301, he stops for a second and then keeps going. He just pushes lather from somewhere else back onto his face. Then he starts working on the other side. Lather is everywhere, its flying around like crazy.

He's done in about 10 minutes and I look and he has lather on his chest, in his hair, AND ON HIS BACK!

All of these passes are against the grain, all 400 or so. Thats 400 per side.

The whole thing left me a tad speechless.

Since I've never shaved with a Mach 3, I suppose this could be normal, as no one else in the place even noticed.

WOW! Even with that Mach 3 bent all the way over he did some wild shaving.

I'm hoping this isn't normal . . .