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  1. #1
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Default Dovo-TI Comparison

    I'm planning on replacing my pakistani el-cheapo with something much better, and I'm torn b/w 2 razors:
    1) Dovo All Stainless Steel 5/8 with satin handle finish
    2) Thiers-Issard Sheffield Silver Steel, Tortoise, 5/8
    My main concern with the DOVO is that it's made of stainless, which would be difficult to hone with my soft-cutting Japs, but on a good note it would hold its edge longer.
    I like the DOVO b/c of the styling, but from what I heard, TI razors offer a better shave.
    Therefore, I'm turning to you guys to help me with my dilemma.

  2. #2
    Senior Member superfly's Avatar
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    My choice would be the TI, since I don't own one. The DOVO stainless is a bit stubborn to sharpen, and the Henkells stainless is my best shaver so far... Have I solved your dilemma??


  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I don't own a TI either, but have shaved with one and honed a few more.
    I suspect either would offer a similar challenge on the hone and both could produce nice shaves. I'd lean to the TI as well, cause it really is a superior instrument. I wonder if it really gets any better as far as line produced razors go. Go for the TI. You won't be dissappointed.


  4. #4
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Since I don't own a TI I don't know if it's a better razor. I do however own 2 Dovo's and they are both great shavers. I don't know that I would get SS as it is a bit harder to hone.

  5. #5
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    How much harder to hone would a stainless blade be? And would it stay sharp comparably longer?

  6. #6
    Senior Member threeputt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
    How much harder to hone would a stainless blade be? And would it stay sharp comparably longer?
    With new Dovos, either stainless or carbon steel, not a LOT of difference, either in honing or edge holding. I have a 5/8 Dovo stainless, a few Dovo carbon steels and a couple of TI's. If I were buying a new Dovo, I'd probably not get the stainless. Doesn't seem to get *quite* as sharp as the carbon steel. The shave doesn't seem as comfortable. Could be just me though. They dull at close to the same rate in my experience as well. That being said, I don't plan on buying any more NEW Dovo razors. The vintage Dovos are another matter. The Fritz Bracht models and such are great razors in my opinion, if you can find them in good shape. Anything else I buy new will be a TI. Custom made razors, now that's a different story, but current production stuff.....definitely TI over Dovo. I should also add that my experience with TI is limited to recent offerings (last 10 years or so), and only the higher-end ones. Eagle brand from the Knifecenter of the Internet, and the Silver Steel models offered at several places online. The Petit Francais whatever and Coiffeur thingamabobs I cannot comment on. I have *heard* that they don't compare to the Eagles and Silver Steels, But I cannot confirm that.

    Last edited by threeputt; 03-28-2006 at 06:53 PM.

  7. #7
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Looks like the general concensus leans in the direction of TI. Even though I prefer the DOVO styling, I'd be an idiot not to get a superior performer. Especially since it would be a sharp blade going over my face lol.

  8. #8
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    Ive got examples of both razors...both hone equally as well...stainless vs offs both shave well...if you were blindfolded and someone shaved you with both I doubt you could feel the diff much like coke and 7up...In my opinion the dovo is sleeker the ti more hand made look...the ti feels heavier and better balanced but thats personal pref...both are good...

  9. #9
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarman
    Ive got examples of both razors...both hone equally as well...stainless vs offs both shave well...if you were blindfolded and someone shaved you with both I doubt you could feel the diff much like coke and 7up...In my opinion the dovo is sleeker the ti more hand made look...the ti feels heavier and better balanced but thats personal pref...both are good...
    Good comment . . . an interesting perspective

  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have numerous TIs and several Dovo's including a stainless and the way I see it Dovo makes a prettier razor and TI makes a better quality blade its as simple as that.

    Both will give you outstanding shaves. The stainless is a bit harder to hone but then again TI's lead hardened blades take a bit more to hone also so there isn't as a much of a difference there. My Dovo stainless does give great comfortable shaves though. I think that to an experienced shaver TI would be the pick every time. It kind of like the shavers shaver if you know what I mean.
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