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  1. #21
    Member senorswiss's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tips guys. I tried the distilled water (I have some around for drinking anyway), and that along with a larger bowl helped a lot. In the name of science I ought to have only changed one variable at a time, I suppose, but I was too impatient. I am only shaving every other day at the most due in part to my schedule and in part to letting my cuts heal.

    I'm not sure that I really want to grind the spike down, and I don't have a hone yet anyway, so I'm leaving that for now.

    Tonight was my third shave, and it was leaps and bounds better than the last two. I made no touchups with my M3, and my face looks decent enough to go out in public. I still had a few nicks, but none from diging the spike tip in.

    I find that my lip is the easiest part to shave. I really don't have a problem getting the blade in there and changing its angle.
    Other than a few hard to shave areas, I got my neck almost as close as with my M3, and my cheeks slightly better than that. I'd say my cheeks are as good as with my M3. My chin could use some work though...

    It seemed like I was having to pull the razor pretty hard for the second shave, so before this shave I did some stropping while at work (my job affords me nice oppurtunities like that ). I made a few dozen passes on .5 paste and kept testing the blade on my forearms as well as trying the HHT.

    I know how much it is emphasized that the HHT is only indicative of a good edge after honing...does stropping on .5 paste count as honing? Should I be trying the HHT after stropping on paste? I never did get the blade to slice a hair without catching (same with forearms)....even after stropping on plain leather!

    Should I go up to the 1.0 or 3.0 pastes?

    Like I said, the shave tonight was good by my standards, but I still think I am not getting the blade sharp enough.


  2. #22
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by senorswiss
    ...does stropping on .5 paste count as honing? Should I be trying the HHT after stropping on paste
    Paste stropping doesn't really count as honing, but the HHT might still provide some information. Does it still catch the hair or even just break it a little? Is it an effortless clip? Only the last result is worth considering the final Shave Test.

    Don't overdo the 0.5 paste. It can oversmooth/wire your edge. For this reason, although I don't use coarser grit pastes myself, they might be a good idea for you. Tony the Stropmeister will know better.


  3. #23
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I got a pasted paddle strop from Tony four sides 3, 1, .5 and .25. It does sharpenn the blade as far as I am concerned. Works very well.

  4. #24
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    A couple of years ago, this is what convinced me to start using my left hand

    Not paying attention and crossing back over to the other side of my face.

    PS... I love super glue

  5. #25
    Member senorswiss's Avatar
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    Urleebird, OUCH!

    X, I was able to get the blade sharp enough to catch the hair and cut it with some tugging. No effortless slices though. It is probably a matter of stropping technique at this point. Maybe i'll try going to the 1 micron.

    Rich, do your razors slice hair (arm or hanging) after the 1 micron paste? the 0.5? How do you know when you are ready to move to the next finer paste?

    Thanks guys.

  6. #26
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Damn, Bill is that your neck?! Did you have a date with a vampire that night or something. Jeepers, you got me thinkin'.

    Jordan; one of the things about when your edge wires up is that it doesn't have any teeth any more so the feeling you get is what you describe. Stropping doesn't help that. I'm not saying it's definitely your problem, better stropping may be just the ticket. Just wanted to let you know what to expect from a wire edge. I think some time on 1µ is a good idea myself, maybe even something coarser. I'm a big fan of the coarser grits.


  7. #27
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    A couple of years ago, this is what convinced me to start using my left hand


    I'm just now getting good enough at shaving that I'm feeling overconfident. This ought to keep me humble and attentive for a while! Maybe I should just post it by the mirror...

  8. #28
    Senior Member superfly's Avatar
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    Wow, Bill, that's really nasty cut!! I had slices from when not paying attention, but nothing this serious...

  9. #29
    Member morningshow's Avatar
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    I had a wire edge recently and by avoiding the paste and stropping normally I fixed it all up. (thanks X) YAY! The paste does help though, assuming you are tightening up an edge from normal wear and tear. By experimenting with different "stuff" you will begin to figure what works best for you. PLUS, you'll have more stuff!!! Can never have enough stuff.


  10. #30
    Senior Member jmcamp54's Avatar
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    Geez Bill,

    That's one heckuva' slash..

    I bet ya' probably have an alternative story for the women...I would...

    Like the ol' Knife Fight story...

    Yes Dear, Yeah Ya' shoulda' seen the other guy...

    Oh, can I buy you and your friend a drink??

    Yeah that's the ticket...
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