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  1. #1
    Member NaeFairtex's Avatar
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    Default Went for a shave today at local barber

    And the shop stopped doing straight shaves. Another one has given up on the falling market for shaves.

    I was disappointed of course, but still wanted to give the guy some business and got a trim instead. Jack was nice enough to show me his 7 day collection that was still in his top drawer. He told me that he had purchased each razor for 35-40 dollars in the 50's so he wasn't going to part with them anytime soon.

    After we chatted for a bit he asked me why I would want to straight shave myself since "new razors are so much better nowadays". I thought he was joking. He had to be joking. He wasn't joking. The barber says he prefers triple blades and electrics. The only reason I could convince myself why he would have this preference is the fact that he shaves his whole head everyday.

    After my trim he offered me his electric shaver to use since I'm going to a wedding and have two days growth. This was not the afternoon I planned on having. Jack insisted I use his electric, so I did. Now I know why straight vets bring travel kits.

    What a shame.

  2. #2
    Senior Member jimmyfingers's Avatar
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    I have found that some of the old barbers I talk to who used to give straight shaves will tell you that they prefer the Mach 3, Fusion, or Dispos.

  3. #3
    Member NaeFairtex's Avatar
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    It probably is the same as any other profession. If you do it for a living you tend to prefer something else for yourself.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yea, it's why when a painter needs to paint his house he hires someone else to do it.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    exactly.. i've worked as a chef in some of the finest restaurants in los angeles and now my favourite foods are things like scrambled eggs on top of tortilla chips.. with heinz baked beans.. i just can't be bothered to eat properly for myself.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Auswalker's Avatar
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    I spoke to a barber near our home who now does straight shaves with disposable blades. I asked him what he did with his original set of straights. He told me .... (I can hardly believe this) ... he gave his straights to some of his customers who use the blades to clean fish!! Not only that, but he gave them his hones as well!! I'm still crying in my beer.

  7. #7
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Bigspendur and Fairtex, you guys are nailing it!

    Besides, they were taught to shave someone else other than themselves, two different techniques and skill sets.
    Last edited by nun2sharp; 08-08-2010 at 01:58 PM.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  8. #8
    Member anjp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auswalker View Post
    I spoke to a barber near our home who now does straight shaves with disposable blades. I asked him what he did with his original set of straights. He told me .... (I can hardly believe this) ... he gave his straights to some of his customers who use the blades to clean fish!! Not only that, but he gave them his hones as well!! I'm still crying in my beer.
    My heart skipped a beat reading that...... ouch

  9. #9
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    In the barber shop I frequent, there used to be an older gentleman working who was probably in his 60s. He tried to discourage me from using a straight, sayiing I could cut myself badly. He grew up using straight razors and abandonded it for the modern conveniences. He's since retired, but the owner of the shop, his wife who also cuts hair and his employee are very enthusiastic about it and love to tald straight razors. I've shown them my collection, they've given me pointers and we have a great time. The irony is, they are all in their 30s. Go figure.

  10. #10
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    It is a shame that old skills stop being used, but I guess thats just a sign of the times where health and safety comes first.

    There are still a few places that you can get straight razor shaves in London but they use Shavettes. The next time I go for one I'm going to take one of my proper straights and ask the guy to use that...!

    I can understand why a barber uses the fastest method to shave himself each day though, as TBS and Fairtex say.

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