And the shop stopped doing straight shaves. Another one has given up on the falling market for shaves.

I was disappointed of course, but still wanted to give the guy some business and got a trim instead. Jack was nice enough to show me his 7 day collection that was still in his top drawer. He told me that he had purchased each razor for 35-40 dollars in the 50's so he wasn't going to part with them anytime soon.

After we chatted for a bit he asked me why I would want to straight shave myself since "new razors are so much better nowadays". I thought he was joking. He had to be joking. He wasn't joking. The barber says he prefers triple blades and electrics. The only reason I could convince myself why he would have this preference is the fact that he shaves his whole head everyday.

After my trim he offered me his electric shaver to use since I'm going to a wedding and have two days growth. This was not the afternoon I planned on having. Jack insisted I use his electric, so I did. Now I know why straight vets bring travel kits.

What a shame.