I was thinking this morning as I was shaving that we have a lot of discussions about acquiring skills that relate to technique. Such as honing, stropping, building lather, shaving, etc.

But then I was thinking about the personal attributes that would make a person successful at this art. I thought it might be interesting to know what people think is important personally. I thought of a bunch, but I will only list a couple of them to get this thread started. I'd like to know other people's perspectives on this.

So here goes:

1. Good Manual Dexterity - I think a musician, a craftsman like a wood carver or other previous hobbies like these would help here.
2. Perseverance - A person who does not give up easily is necessary. I have not been here long, but in the short time I have, I have witnessed people very enthusiastically purchase equipment, post the results of a couple of shaves and then disappear.