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Thread: Prejudices

  1. #1
    Library Marksmanship Unit Library Guy's Avatar
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    Default Prejudices

    Prejudices… or bits and pieces of a misanthrope’s mind

    What’s in a name? As silly as Dovo, Dorko and Dorp King sound, Col. Conk must win some sort of booby prize. I don’t think I could stand to own anything with the name Col. Conk on it. Unless I really was a colonel named Conk.

    Boy, was I surprised when I learned the French made razors. When I think of cutlery, I think of England, Germany, Spain. France? I didn’t know France made anything worth owning.

    I’ve never tried a double edged “safety” razor. To be honest, those things scare me. I don’t want a safe razor anymore than I want a safe gun.

    What’s in a name part 2: When discussing shaving, areas of the face need readily recognizable and uniform names. The Charlie Chaplin Zone, and the Zappa come to mind. Others?

    I don’t have a single American made razor. I must rectify the situation immediately.

    I find it ironic that so many high-end shaving soaps are made in England. When I was there, there didn’t seem to be any hot water in that whole country.

    If the law required truth in advertising: Gillette! The Campbell’s Soup of Shaving!

    Just when I think I’ve mastered the straight razor, a piece of my chin in the sink insists otherwise.

    Is there anything prettier than those notch-pointed hump-backed Sheffields?

    It was brave man who first shaved with a badger. But the badger brush, that was a big improvement…

    And why badgers? Why not weasels, stoats, wolverines, ermines, wooly gerbils, tabbies, pandas?

    For the first thirty years of my life, I went to only one barber. He was like the Sicilian grandfather I never had. I miss him.

    regards &c
    LG Roy

  2. #2
    Senior Member mgraepel's Avatar
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    That was a great read and had me chuckling all the way through. Thanks

  3. #3
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    I had to print that out and put in on my wall of fame. I still think Dorko sounds worse than Col. Conk, though.

  4. #4
    Member TMike's Avatar
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    LOL. Thanks for that.
    Although I will take exception to the "badgers" query. What could make more sense than taking something akin to a skunk and wiping your face with it?

    Also, it occurs to me that you're in a classy forum when you can suggest that we find funny names for parts of the body at 12:00 and at 12:30 the thread still hasn't gone berserk.


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Maybe Reader's Digest would publish this. Well, on second thought, how many people would really understand it? As far as the badger, their is a method to the madness there. And I don't have a clue who came up with it. There are boar brushes. There were horse hair brushes (but the army determined they aided in spreading anthrax). But the badger...soft hair with a high absorbency ability. Soft, yet resellient with the ability to remain aloft. It really is a marvel. If just any hair would do, I could grow my own!


  6. #6
    Member dunkmiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Chandler
    I had to print that out and put in on my wall of fame. I still think Dorko sounds worse than Col. Conk, though.

    Maybe this will help change your mind !

    Just off to find some hot water for my shave cor blimey.


  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Library Guy
    And why badgers? Why not weasels, stoats, wolverines, ermines, wooly gerbils, tabbies, pandas?

    LG Roy
    ok, here goes:
    1.Weasel - no one wants to ever say they are shaving with a weasel brush
    2.stoats and ermines - no clue what they they would probably be hard to market
    3.Wolverines - much more fierce and hard to catch than badgers
    4. wooly gerbil - are you serious?
    5. Pandas - as if the chinese dont hate us enough already.

    Those are my best guesses.

    I love the post! Thanks for the laugh!

  8. #8
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    If you think badgers smell bad wet could you imagine a wet tabbie.. Wheeee

  9. #9
    Senior Member USNA92's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLStorm
    ok, here goes:
    1.Weasel - no one wants to ever say they are shaving with a weasel brush
    2.stoats and ermines - no clue what they they would probably be hard to market
    3.Wolverines - much more fierce and hard to catch than badgers
    4. wooly gerbil - are you serious?
    5. Pandas - as if the chinese dont hate us enough already.

    Those are my best guesses.

    I love the post! Thanks for the laugh!

    Ermine is also a weasel family member whose fur turns white in winter (it's called a Stoat when it's fur is brown) and used to be (or maybe still is) made into fur stolls and to trim royal robes. I'd be afraid that some activist would burst into my bathroom and dump paint all over my brush!

  10. #10
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USNA92
    Ermine ... I'd be afraid that some activist would burst into my bathroom and dump paint all over my brush!
    I doubt it would work as well. Badger hair has pretty much been identified as the best material for brushes.


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