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  1. #21
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    I notice you joined here only last month. I wonder if perhaps you are reading a little too much into the level of care and time required. Indeed, the fiscal investment as well.

    The upkeep of a straight razor shouldn't take up any considerable amount of time, a few strokes on a strop, a bit of a hone every 6 months or so - probably longer if you have a couple of razors.

    Time for shaving is, I suppose, an issue to begin with. There are plenty of people on here who learnt to shave with a straight as and when it suited them - on the weekend or in the evening instead.

    There's absolutely no reason to spend big money on shaving. I don't know how much my razors, strops, and hones cost me exactly, but maybe $300. Probably less.

    Don't be put off by these things, I think every thing you mentioned in your post are things that come from inexperience and perhaps from this forum putting a very high level of emphasis on things like honing from the POV of restoration. If you buy new razors, which I doubt are much cheaper overall than a stored vintage these days, then a barbers hone is really all you need and the occasional (maybe once a year) sending off to a friend on here probably for free or paying $20 for someone like lynn to touch it up.

    I think this approach to razor ownership will become more prevelant as prices go up.

  2. #22
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    Thanks again all, and yes I will be hanging around.

    I just wanted to mention that my decision wasn't made from any sense of frustration. I was actually surprised at the success that I had with a straight.
    My decision was born from a desire to achieve a specific goal. That being an enjoyable and high-performance shave with a minimum of cost and fuss. I think that using a DE razor is the best way for me to realize that goal.

    I loled at the the Clint Eastwood video. Good stuff
    Last edited by cswann1; 10-08-2010 at 01:29 PM.

  3. #23
    Likes to 'Flic' his whiskers charlie762's Avatar
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    Edwin Jagger DE's are good razors and to get the best out of DE shaving,you have to stretch your skin just as with straights.After using the DE for a while you may find it easier to use a straight.I put my straight aside for a while intending to get back to it and when I did,I found it a good bit easier second time around.
    An apple a day keeps the doctor away....if you throw it hard enough.

  4. #24
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    There are a fair number of people who are regular DE users for the same reasons, but save the straight razor shave for when they have time and want that nice close soothing straight shave.

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    I guess I need to get me a nice Edwin Jagger DE next.

    About half the time I use a DE and the other half a str8.
    It just depends on my mood and if I have the bathroom
    to myself.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by niftyshaving View Post
    I guess I need to get me a nice Edwin Jagger DE next.
    I highly recommend the EJ. It's the only safety I've owned and used but from all reports it's quite mild in terms of aggressiveness. So far I've used Derby, Astra, Wilkinson, and Isreali Persona (Crystal) Platinums.

    So far the IP's are the best I've used but I have a Iridium that's on deck and I'm really anxious to try it. I've read several ED users rave about Feathers. Eventually I'll get around to trying them, but I'm in no hurry since they are more than double the price of the IP's I like very well.

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