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Thread: Received giveaway razor
05-19-2006, 07:39 AM #1
Received giveaway razor
I had a dream last night that the W&B blade I won in the giveaway showed up...Then today it came in the mail from Lynn. I'm tapped in...
Anyway, I was really excited to get it. I wanted to try to shave with it, but I was in a hurry and didn't want to rush it...and now I've just found out that I have to leave town tomorrow! Grrrrr. At least I will have something to look forward to the whole trip.
Again, thank you to all who made this possible. I'll post my experiences when able.
05-19-2006, 06:43 PM #2
Yes! Mine arrived today! Imperial square point w/ black scales, made in Germany. Looks like a 5/8". I did the arm hair test & tips of hairs popped off very easily. I then tried this w/ the 3 old razors that I've had for yrs, & have just started trying to hone them w/ a Wester Bros. & then a Lithide hone that I bought recently from Tilly AKA Redtrader99. Only my Swedish Heljestrand 4/8 could compare to the Imperial; it was already the sharpest of the 3 so I only did about 10 swipes on the Lithide w/ it. My Dbl Duck 9/16 Dwarf is getting close, but not quite; and the Henckels 5/8 needs quite a bit more work. It's wonderful to have the shave ready Imperial to compare them with. Thank you very much, Lynn for sending this. And if you were the donor as well, an extra big Thank You! I am very grateful. I went from full beard to goatee when I started back into this recently. Now I'm temped to cut down to just the mustache. If my wife didn't love the beard so much, I would.
05-19-2006, 08:46 PM #3
If you don't mind, I'll jump on this thread too. I got my razor just 45 min ago, a Puma. It's beautiful. Muchos Gracias to the donor.
Now I'm just waiting on a 4 sided strop from Tony which is on the way, then I'm home free. I'm really amped about it.
I'm not really a rare blood type, but just in case - Would all of you who are A neg please pm me. I need your contact info.
I've got my styptic pencil at the ready. My brother recommended a tourniquet
Thanks again,
05-19-2006, 11:55 PM #4
Your strop is on it's way. I think you got a 4 sided paddle. I did a few protoypes with pigskin as it has a pebble texture to hold pastes well and that is what I sent you (or someone <g>).
As for the A neg part, you and I are the same. No worries on transfusions, as I recall A neg makes you a universal recipent, but a type only donor.
TonyThe Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman
05-21-2006, 10:19 PM #5
Well, having now shaved w/ the Imperial, I have to say that all 3 of my old razors definitely need work! This was wonderfully sharp. Easily the smoothest shave I've ever experienced. One very tiny nick on the cheek w/ the square point; this will be part of the learning curve. Thank you again, Lynn, for sending me this very valuable benchmark! I will strive to improve my honing skills.
05-23-2006, 11:17 PM #6
Just received mine today! Its a thousand times better than my paki (didn't know about razor quality until I found this site). Thanks to all that donated. My shave experiences have been more enjoyable since I now have a razor that actually keeps an edge.