Some of you already know that my wife and I were expecting our first child.... Well, she finally arrived on Sunday the 7th! Her name is Cecelia Jenelle Stowe and she was born at 8:32am, weighing in at 7 lbs 5.6 oz, and I haven't had a full night's sleep since!! My wife is pretty much dead on her feet after 10pm and I'm a nightowl, so I get the mid-watch. Those 2am feedings are starting to catch up to me, but she's cute and she's mine; that makes it worth it in the end.
I couldn't get on to SRP from work for a while (why, I don't know), so I haven't been keeping up with the forum. But today it's back, so I'm psyched!
Anyway, thanks to all who wished us luck. It worked; mom and baby are both healthy. Now to catch up on the threads!