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Thread: Razor size

  1. #1
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    Default Razor size


    What is the point of razor sizes, do they shave differently. By this I mean does a 4/8 blade shave differently to a 6/8th blade, or is it dependent on you hair type. Finally if they are different how do you know which is best for you.


  2. #2
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    It's a lot like driving different makes of cars. Ultimately, they'll all get you to where you want to be, but the ride's going to vary with each one.

    The 5/8 blade is like a sports car with a manual transmission. You get to pilot that blade around your face, feeling it grip each corner. 6 and 7/8 blades? They're the Cadillac Escalades of razors. Think cruise control. Their heft does most of the work for you.

    I've yet to use an 8/8, but it's probably comparable to a tank.

  3. #3
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    The larger razors are heftier, feel a bit more massive in your hand and require less pressure. They are better suited for heavier beards. I have a 6/8+ Henckles Friodur that weighs double what any of my 5/8 razors weigh. I find 5/8 are more maneuverable than their larger counterparts. I have a smaller, probably 3/8 or 4/8 that I'm the process of restoring. Smaller blades can fit into tighter places (under the nose comes to mind) a little easier than their larger counterparts.

    How to know which one is right for you? Easy -- try them all!

    Each of my razors has its own character, its own feel to how it shaves that is slightly different than the others. It's what works bes to for you.

  4. #4
    Senior Member superfly's Avatar
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    You know what, Peter, I think you got quite good description of the razor sizes... Lately, I am starting to enjoy my 5/8 razors... hmm, I must have learned how to drive...


  5. #5
    Senior Member cudahogs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phopwood

    What is the point of razor sizes, do they shave differently. By this I mean does a 4/8 blade shave differently to a 6/8th blade, or is it dependent on you hair type. Finally if they are different how do you know which is best for you.

    Peter, if you're new to this, then I'd recommend a 5/8 or 6/8. I have a few 7/8 and some 4/8 and 3/8 blades, but for overall use, I prefer the 5/8 and 6/8. These 2 are a good combination of heft and manueverability. Also, try to get a round point until you get the hang of it.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What makes this thing so interesting is that there is a very large variety of sizes shapes and materials and each is a bit different. Everyone here can give you their opinion and all are right but you should strive to try them all and see which work best for you. All have their advantages and disadvantages. There is no magic bullet. Start with the most popular middle of the road types and go from there.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudahogs
    Also, try to get a round point until you get the hang of it.
    Now I'm going to take exception to that. I was nervous about my first razor being a spike, but there has never been any problem for me with them. In fact I prefer it. When i shaved with the orund point SRP club razor I was disappointed that it wasn't a spike. I don't think it's really a big deal. You're going to be watchful or cut yourself anyhow. A spike won't change that. Maybe it's just me though.


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    I have been shaving with a straight for about 4 years and I prefer my 6/8 blade, but I was just wandering why there are so many different blade size's.


  9. #9
    Senior Member cudahogs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    Now I'm going to take exception to that. I was nervous about my first razor being a spike, but there has never been any problem for me with them. In fact I prefer it. When i shaved with the orund point SRP club razor I was disappointed that it wasn't a spike. I don't think it's really a big deal. You're going to be watchful or cut yourself anyhow. A spike won't change that. Maybe it's just me though.

    I'm not going to say I was careless, but I will say that I had a situational awareness blip. I have two small scars, both on the same cheek that came from using square points within the first 60 days of straight shaving. Both times while using the heel of the blade to go around the edge of the mouth. Today, I have a nick on my ear that came with a round point, had nothing to do with the point, just my depth perception. I do remember someone else on a previous thread talking about the same issue. Kind of a mute point now since Peter has been doing this over 4 years now.

  10. #10
    Ben is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    Now I'm going to take exception to that. I was nervous about my first razor being a spike, but there has never been any problem for me with them. In fact I prefer it.
    I agree. Of all my razors, only one has a round point. I enjoy them all.

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