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Thread: Straight Razors in Movies

  1. #91
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    That's O.K., Costabro.
    Vampires can travel back & forth through time whenever they need to.
    He probably picked it up George's Barber Shop in the 1930's & forgot that he had it in his pocket.

    George's Barber Shop, Portland, Oregon 1936

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    Last edited by Hirlau; 11-27-2012 at 02:14 PM.

  2. #92
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stonewolf View Post
    Finally some one said somethin bout sweeny todd but the original from the late 40s has better technique lol and my big scene that i rember haveing a straight razor is from the patriot where the brits are shaveing by a stream when heath ledger rides in seaking revenge
    Another scene in Patriot, Cornwallis is being shaved with a straight when the "Ghost" comes to call. The razor is being used correctly, although bad technique.

  3. #93
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Don't know if it's been mentioned already and I have not seen the movie in years, but towards the end of "Escape from New York" the president is being shaved with a straight by some guy with horrible technique.

  4. #94
    Junior Member Eastrun's Avatar
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    The Little Foxes, 1941, starring Bette Davis. As the plot thickens a father and son share a bathroom chat... shaving and conniving.

  5. #95
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Moonrise Kingdom, by Wes Anderson, there was a scene where the head scout master was waiting to be shaved. His 'attendant', another scout leader, was stropping the razor with a paddle.
    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  6. #96
    Senior Member Peter57's Avatar
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    Latest Boardwalk Empire episode - Nucky and his gang are holed up in a lumber yard. Nucky walks out into the yard and offers a straigh to his brother Eli saying, "'s good for another scrape."

  7. #97
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    The local rep theatre here in Ottawa had a link to the trailer for Hitchcock's "Spellbound", and about 1:30 there's a razor scene. Haven't seen the film so I'm not sure what if anything comes of it. The trailer is worth watching for the wonderfully campy 1940s voiceover.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
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  8. #98
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    cant remember the movie but as i kid i remember the scene ...
    if i remember right it was a either plantation owner or a guy who had a black hired hand for around the house , but i remember they were on the porch and she was getting ready to shave him , i remember she stropped the razor , might have made a pass or 2 then cut his throat .. i dont remember what he did but i remember most of the scene

  9. #99
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    the twilight zone one of the episodes where a ww1 fighter pilot arrives in 1959. while hes stuck there he gets a straight shave and its verry can tell its an older show because they know exactly how to do it.

  10. #100
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
    The local rep theatre here in Ottawa had a link to the trailer for Hitchcock's "Spellbound", and about 1:30 there's a razor scene. Haven't seen the film so I'm not sure what if anything comes of it. The trailer is worth watching for the wonderfully campy 1940s voiceover.
    I thought it was worth watching, and I thought it was the voice-over that was the best part. Not campy at all. Correct use of the english language and word choice is a rarity these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by gooser View Post
    cant remember the movie but as i kid i remember the scene ...
    if i remember right it was a either plantation owner or a guy who had a black hired hand for around the house , but i remember they were on the porch and she was getting ready to shave him , i remember she stropped the razor , might have made a pass or 2 then cut his throat .. i dont remember what he did but i remember most of the scene
    I've seen that movie as well. I wish I could remember the title of it as well now.

    I watched a movie last night from 1986. It was absolute rubbish, so I'm not sure of the title, but I think it was 'Bad Moon Rising'. It was about a car that was stolen. There was a fight scene towards the end where an obviously very blunt (read bread-knifed) razor was used and held at out hero's throat with a fair degree of firmness without even so much as a red mark being left . Later our hero takes the razor off the villian before holding it to his throat and scissoring the handle down to hold it in place. Again without a drop of the expected blood being spilt.

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