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Thread: Giveaway Thank you & First shave
05-27-2006, 08:15 PM #1
Giveaway Thank you & First shave
I just recieved the razor I won in the giveaway about three days ago. I guess it took so much longer than everyone else because it seems as though if anything has to cross a border, it gets stuck moving at the speed of bureaucracy
Anyway, I'd just like to extend a great many thank you's to all who donated razors for the giveaway. My personal thanks go out to Randy for organizing the giveaway; and to Lynn, who I'm guessing was my razor donor, seeing as the package came from him (postmarked on my birthday too)
Was one of the coolest moments ever as I opened the package and removed it's contents, handling the razor gingerly and observing it. Being a relative newb and previously never having had a razor that passed the usual tests (damn paki crap) I'm eager to try them. I pull out a hair and pass it over the blade, I hear a little *tink* sound and the end of the hair pops right off. I do it a few more times and start laughing in awe. Next I pass the razor over my leg hair and it's just trimming through the tops left, right, centre and any other direction that might exist. I close the razor and set it down as I think to myself "sweet jesus! this thing just smells sharp!"
Anyway, as for the shave... well the results were nothing less than spectacular!
I got up this morning and before I went to shower & shave, I watched Lynns great video again just in case I had forgot something. I hop in the shower and perform the usual rinse, lather, repeat; hop out and prepare for a good shave. Granted, I don't have all the equipment for straight razors yet, none the less the razor performs wonderfully. I lather up and take hold of the straight. I place the razor to my cheek, and begin my shave. It is by far and none, the greatest shave ever. No tugging, pulling, burning, nicking or anything unpleasent. If my face could have an orgasm, I'm sure it would have. I'll tell you guys one thing though. I don't have a scruffy forest of growth permiating through my skin daily, more the opposite. But it's still not easy to shave when you're giddy with excitement
Once again, I'd just like to thank all who made this possible, and, straight razor shaving is definitely something I'll be getting into.
05-27-2006, 10:14 PM #2
Good to hear, and thanks for telling us the details. I remember my first successful shave the clearer when I read the enthusiasm of the next n00b.
Be careful not to drag the blades edge over the strops edge as you strop and that hone job should last you a while. Congrats.
05-28-2006, 05:52 AM #3
Congratulations on your first straight razor shave and that's great to hear that it went really well. Now you know what all the fuss is about. Enjoy the shaves and let us know how things are going.