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Thread: Tools and Techniques
05-31-2006, 05:17 AM #11
Originally Posted by randydance062449
Now, there is something to talk about...the smell of a fresh cut lawn. As an apartment dweller, it's something I really miss.
05-31-2006, 05:40 AM #12
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Thanked: 28tony I am sorry if I offended you but I think you react to my comments without really hearing what I have to say...while I am not a fan of paste its use is one of personal choice ...what I am saying is that after reading posts from newbs asking for advice because they used a pasted strop and now their razors dont shave well or as well as they did before using paste leads one to the conclusion that their poor stroping techniques combined with using a strop or paddle with an agressive surface causes the blade to loose its edge... all I am saying is the logical thing to do would be to get the razor rehoned and leave the paste alone until the new shaver can consistanly maintain an edge on the razor using either a paddle or strop without paste...poorly stroping a razor on a unpasted strop while taking an edge of the blade can be reversed with improved tech and restore the blade to its sharpness before the poor stroping, but with the cutting power of paste a poor stroping usually results in the razor needing to be rehoned...I have been a tremendous supporter and customer of your product but if I have damaged our relationship with making observations not negating your product but merely suggesting a beginner delay using paste until he master stroping then I must question the sincerety of whatever relationship we had...
05-31-2006, 06:18 AM #13
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Thanked: 28I want to clarify my thoughts with regard to the various opinions given on this forum...first of all I respect everyone's opinions...I am not the razor god I still am learning every day...I dont agree with some of the comments expressed lately on this forum...some are self serving and others remind me of what my friends used to tell me when we all were raising our kids "well my father did it to me and it didnt hurt me so"the purpose of the forum in my opinion is to exchange info help the new shavers avoid the problems and mistakes most of made learning and speeding up the learning curve...I believe there are easier ways to get new shavers up to speed and shaving so as to grow our hobbie...there are lots of things going on in this forum...we have guys who seem to be experts in all facets of str8 shaving...I certainly am not I merely advocate learn to prep face strop and shave and then deal with paste honing would seem to be easier for the new shaver to stropand delvelope his tecxhnique , learn to use a norton 4/8 rather then using multible barber hones but maybe I am nuts but this is my opinion (what will be the easiest for the new shaver to master) .there has been lots of conversation about backhoning...while the newbies hang on every word I would bet my life that 95 % of the forum members let alone the newbies wouldnt know what a wire edge looks like on a razor....we have newbs who have posted the magic 100 and are giving advice to other newbs while these guys have just started does this help the new shaver...many times when I make a post I discuss my comments with lynn because I want to make sure my comments will be helpful to the new shavers...sometimes I refer to him because the newbs know and respect him and hopefully will the my comments to heart...I really resent davis snide remarks about ask lynn and pathetic not having my own opinion...well I have my own opinions plenty of them and trust me you dont want to hear my opinion of davis and his divine wisdom...
05-31-2006, 08:14 AM #14
I don't think we should be too quick to resent each others' comments or take offense at somebody's opinions especially about razors for cryin' out loud. Each person here is an individual with individual experiences and taste. By sharing them and listening we progress the general knowledge further than it otherwise would. Different tools work for different razors and different people. We know all this.
What we sometimes forget is that virtually ALL comments are subjective no matter how absolute they sound. "This is the best thing" has the unwritten implication "IMHO" attached to it 99% of the time, footnotes and scientific data excepted. Definitive wording merely shows how resolute one is in their feelings about something, not how factual it is. Often even the speaker can forget this.
Vive la difference! It's part of what makes this art/craft/lifestyle so fascinating. I don't get bent out of shape about it. I embrace it. You think I'm wrong? Tell me! I may argue/debate with you, but I'll respect you the more for it, not less.
05-31-2006, 08:54 AM #15
I actually don't know jack about straight shaving, but if you guys want me to stop by and teach you how to back hone I'd be glad to. LOL
Actually, I value your opinion by itself and would love to hear it. I just want you to remember that your preferred method, or anyone elses just may not work or may not be there preference. How to fix a wire edge using a Norton might be stupid advice for the guy that doesn't own one. My perspective on honing is that many new people don't own all the crazy equipment other guys have so discounting one method over another is silly. I'd fashion to say none of us own the best equipment on the planet, yet.
The damage that you can do to one mans razor honing side profession is tremendous if you say that he is busy laughing at our comments at our expense. I, for one, am eliminating my endorsments to newbies based simply on that. But you should feel free to let him speak for himself. There may be good reason why he doesn't tell us in here that he and you have a good laugh over our posts. Perhaps, in public, he is trying to be a gentlemen. I think you should consider the same.
I can imagine your frustrations over new guys posting, but its a forum and your a moderator. Let guys comment and throw in your comment. I suppose I'm glad to hear that Lynn agrees with you, frankly I'd have thought it was the other way around.
Here is where I take offense. You emphatically claim that you spend a lot of time laughing at newbie comments or their replies. Well as a moderator the comments and replies are a reflection of you. Talking about how you guys have a good laugh over it is a poor perspective to take. Take the time between chuckles to set the record straight. It would help if you guys professed your reasons for your perspective too.
Feel free to say anything you'd like about me. I want you to get it out of your system. I respect both of your opinions even if there wrong about back honing. :-)
I'm finding your posts very funny too. Please keep it up. I'm only in here for the entertainment.
05-31-2006, 10:40 AM #16
<<< I have been a tremendous supporter and customer of your product but if I have damaged our relationship with making observations not negating your product but merely suggesting a beginner delay using paste until he master stroping then I must question the sincerety of whatever relationship we had... >>>
If I misunderstood your intent then I am sorry. I just didn't see that many posts from guys starting with pastes that had bad experiences, mostly I observe just the opposite on this forum. Maybe we just see things differently.
As I said, I do respect your opinion as well and agree your methods works fine for many newbies. I did also mention how much I have valued your support as a customer. I am surprised you bring our friendship into question over this. I can be offended by your comments without changing that, why would you make that an issue? My stand on that has not changed. I have disagreed with many here and that was never an issue with them, is it possibly your own sincerety in question?
Anyway, we should each just continue to support our camps, both obviously work, both are popular, we just have different viewpoints. I will not comment further on this.
TonyThe Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman
05-31-2006, 02:33 PM #17
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Thanked: 28In responce to afdavis I have never laughed or mocked a newbies post I have only empathy for their problems...I have on occasion shook my head and laughed at some of the posts made by a few members...In davis last post he says he doent know jack about shaving yet he's in many threads giving advice...why ? just food for thought! Also lynn is not a part of this discussion in the past with his vast knowledge he has been a reference for info...again I dont say what you do is wrong, you can do what you like...if it works for you great but realize skills you have acquired my not come so easily to a new pilot friend doesnt understand what the big deal is about takeoffs and landings..why do I get nervous at the controls ?these skills are no different easy for you guys hard for others...I dont hate barber hones , I simply feel using a norton is a easier and better option for the new shaver... for you guys whatever rocks your boat is fine by me...but I want the new shaver to succeed and Im willing to work hard to make that happen...
05-31-2006, 04:39 PM #18
Thanks Charlie, that is all of our goals, the get the newbies up and running in whatever way works for them.
TonyThe Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman
05-31-2006, 09:13 PM #19
Originally Posted by clarman
Last edited by AFDavis11; 05-31-2006 at 09:16 PM.
05-31-2006, 09:20 PM #20
Originally Posted by clarman