The Thiers-Issard 7/8 Loup et Belier Carbon Red Stamina.

I sure had to wait a while for this one. Every day I'd come home, hoping to find either the parcel or the note to pick it up in my mail box. It was shipped on the third of May, and it only got here today. I guess the delay makes this all the sweeter.

I had to head on down to the post office to get it. To my shock and disgust, the note told me I owed 39 dollars in duty fees!

"How would you like to pay for this, sir?" the girl asked me.

"Heh. Reluctantly."

I cut open the parcel immediately. The razor was in its leather case, inside a smaller cardboard box, amongst the packing foam. I was amazed by the weight of the thing. It feels so much heavier than any of my other razors. It's my first 7/8, by the way.

I was unable to get any great shots of it, partly due to its mirror finish, but mostly due my piece of garbage camera.

I've yet to shave with it. It's got an edge, but I don't think it's shave-ready. I'm afraid to sharpen the thing, it's so nice.

Here it is: