A while back I started a thread asking about where you started and where you were now.
I thought it would be intersting to see where the new group of newbies is at.

Myself, I went from aquiring every decent eBay razor, to buying only new Dovo razors, to owning mostly newer TI razors. Dozens of strops, stones, hones, etc.....

So, in my latest effort to refine my life <g>. Here is my ultimate "reasonably sized" setup (not there, just planning).
Seven nice razors, one for each day of the week, a complete rotation. Three to seven more as spares, fill ins, etc...when others are being honed, etc..... One nice badger brush, in my case the $35 Crabtree and Evelyn model. I have th big one and don't like it. One huge Marvey boar brush for hard soaps. My grandfathers mug. One 3" Best Latigo strop, one 4 sided paddle with pastes, one 2x10 yellow Coticule, one large Escher with rubbing stone, Lynn for anything more than touchup honing <g>.
So, a weeks worth or razors, 2 brushes, 1 mug, 2 strops, 2 stones, Lynn's address.....lots more room on my dresser.

What is your ultimate "reasonable" setup.....real or planned?
