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06-03-2006, 05:48 PM #21
Ok, Well our flight is delayed 3.5 hours!! So Im sitting in the airport and figured I would jump on and say hi!!! (god am I addicted or what!)
First and most importantly, the 8/8 John Crowley razor was just superb!! What a pleasure to shave with. Its the equivelent of shaving with a snow plow!! As long as you dont have to work around any type of facial growh like a goatie or mustache I would highley recommend it! What a wonderful smooth shave, the blade is VERY well honed and the weight of the blade basically lets the razor fall down your face and shave you, its completely effortless.
Secondly, the wedding was great, we didnt really get a chance to enjoy much of it because of all the pictures we needed to take and everyone pulling us one direction or another. If you are planning on getting married...elope! If you are dead set on having a large wedding, do like I did and plan a long honeymoon to recover....we need it after last night!
Anyway, hopefully in about 13 hours (including my delay) I'll be in Hawaii....and thats a direct flight...sheesh.
I packed my TI honed by Lynn, and my John Crowley razor for my leisurely morning shaves! And as usual Cheryl rolled her eyes, smiled, and called me a dork then walked away....but she did mention how much she liked the scales on the Crowley razor....I almost fell over!
06-03-2006, 10:55 PM #22
You know, just today, TheBigSpendr remarked in another thread, "Well, whack me with a wet strop..." And I said to myself, "Yeah, I wonder how Josh is making out?"
Happy honeymoon,
06-03-2006, 10:59 PM #23
Originally Posted by deepweeds
06-03-2006, 11:08 PM #24
Josh, next time use handcuffs for the strop swivel hook, I'm sure the maid will hurry to find you and return the strop
best of luck in your marriage
06-04-2006, 07:38 AM #25
Originally Posted by superfly
06-21-2006, 04:24 AM #26
Well all, I am back from the honeymoon and now busy as hell at work and such. The honeymoon was wonderful, and being back in real life is sort of a bummer, but ohwell. The wife actually used the DE to shave her legs with on the honeymoon and was VERY proud of how smooth her legs were, and that was quite a shock to me! the 8/8 henckles shaves wonderfully, and I am looking on Johns site right now contemplating ordering another one lol!!! Anyway thanks for all of the posts, Im happy to be back, but also wishing I was back in hawaii. Those morning shaves with the ocean breeze in the window were just heavenly, it made me miss living on the coast that is for sure!
OH and only goal in life during the honeymoon was to find an old straight at a pawn shop or antique store, but all I found was a REALLY rusty old 2/8 henkles, Im determined to find something neat in some of the states I visit.
Last edited by JLStorm; 06-21-2006 at 04:47 AM.
06-21-2006, 05:46 AM #27
Originally Posted by JLStorm
That's just messed up. On a honeymoon and worried about razors? I think someone here needs to have a talk with you.
06-21-2006, 06:02 AM #28
Originally Posted by rtaylor61
Well nothing else on the honeymoon was goal oriented they were all a was passionate and fun and the food was amazing...but yes shaving was still a large part of keeps me balanced...and yes I did drag my wife to antique stores looking for razors...and surprisingly she thought it was "cute".
06-21-2006, 01:31 PM #29
I don't know where you guys find these women. The ones I deal with would wait until I found a razor, bought it, cleaned it, honed it and stropped it.Then they'd take the razor and use it to castrate me. In any case it's good to have you back Josh.
06-21-2006, 04:38 PM #30
I know. What is with that. That's part of the reason I shave "au natural" it keeps my wife out of the bathroom as I shave , so she can't see any new razors I have snuck in.